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== Siim M - andmete hoidmine ja tagastamine ==
== Project member ==
* andmete salvestamine, ilmselt xmli faili

1. salvestada tuleb kõik küsimustikud eraldi faili, et mitte süüa mahukat faili mällu töötlemiseks.
*Siim Männart - MySql db and queries
2. faili nime võib kuupäevaga unikaalselt genereerida
*Tiit Ojamets - Project management and Documentation
3. parameetrid, mida vaja salvestada on küsimustikul: nimi, id, aktiivne(false, true), küsimused, vastused, vastanute ip-d
*Silver Kuusik - Server logics
4. struktuur ...
*Siim Saarik - Style and testing
*Sergei Rumjantsev - Style and Javascript

== Silver - serveri loogika ==
== The idea ==

* kuidas kasutajale kuvada lehti jne
The CLickers project is a poll makeing and answering apllication. The administrator can make polls, activate, deactivate and close them. The client can answer the polls if they are active and see the poll answering statistics if they are not active. For details see documentation.
* tulemuste diagrammi joonistamine

1. klient
== For the developers ==
1.1 kui kasutaja tuleb lehele, siis küsitakse kõik küsimustikud ja kuvatakse talle leht aktiivsete ja mitte aktiivsete küsimustekega
1.2 kui kasutaja vajutab mõne küsimustiku nimega lingi peal, siis kontrollitakse tema ip-d
1.2.1 kui selle kasutaja ip-d pole selle küsimustikuga seotud, siis kuvatakse talle esimene selle küsimustiku küsimus kui kasutaja hakkab küsimustele vastama
1.2.2 kui selle kasutaja ip on selle küsimustikuga seotud, siis näidatakse talle selle küsimustiku vastuste diagramme

== Sergei ja Siim S - kliendi pool ==
*To run the application download netbeans and while installing choose tomcat server
*Download the team develoer plugin and the source from google code and the project should run, for details see documentation
*'''Deployable war and documentation''' [ here] the admin side has basic auth and any user in role '''tomcat''' is suitable
*SVN repo address <nowiki></nowiki>
*Book [ "Head First: Servlets and JSP"]

* html lehed koos vormidega jne
== Log ==
* natuke dünaamilisust jqueriga

== Tiit ==
* 24.10.2010 Silps - svn repo and mysql database where the tables will come
* 26.10.2010 Silps - mysql tables and some test data and test queries
* dokumentatsioon ja projekti juhtimine
* 26.10.2010 Siim M - mysql queries for selecting polls and their questions
* 27.10.2010 All - the project setup meeting, setup for netbeans with svn
1. muretseb, et kõigil oleks olemas arendus vahendid ja ülesanded
* 13.11.2010 Silps - the project
* 07.12.2010 All - general meeting, discussion what is done and who has to do what
== Kasulikku ==
* 07.12.2010 All - general meeting, discussing what is done and what has to be done and by whom
* 07.12.2010 Sergei - changed the project scaffold
Raamat [ "Head First: Servlets and JSP"] - kui pole viitsind aines kohal käia, siis seda sirvides saad asjadest aimu
* 07.12.2010 Sergei and Siim S - project style with javascript
* 07.12.2010 Silver - tomcat basic authentification for admins and closing polls
* 07.12.2010 Tiit - project documentation as a pdf

Latest revision as of 22:48, 20 December 2010

Project member

  • Siim Männart - MySql db and queries
  • Tiit Ojamets - Project management and Documentation
  • Silver Kuusik - Server logics
  • Siim Saarik - Style and testing
  • Sergei Rumjantsev - Style and Javascript

The idea

The CLickers project is a poll makeing and answering apllication. The administrator can make polls, activate, deactivate and close them. The client can answer the polls if they are active and see the poll answering statistics if they are not active. For details see documentation.

For the developers

  • To run the application download netbeans and while installing choose tomcat server
  • Download the team develoer plugin and the source from google code and the project should run, for details see documentation
  • Deployable war and documentation here the admin side has basic auth and any user in role tomcat is suitable
  • SVN repo address
  • Book "Head First: Servlets and JSP"


  • 24.10.2010 Silps - svn repo and mysql database where the tables will come
  • 26.10.2010 Silps - mysql tables and some test data and test queries
  • 26.10.2010 Siim M - mysql queries for selecting polls and their questions
  • 27.10.2010 All - the project setup meeting, setup for netbeans with svn
  • 13.11.2010 Silps - the project
  • 07.12.2010 All - general meeting, discussion what is done and who has to do what
  • 07.12.2010 All - general meeting, discussing what is done and what has to be done and by whom
  • 07.12.2010 Sergei - changed the project scaffold
  • 07.12.2010 Sergei and Siim S - project style with javascript
  • 07.12.2010 Silver - tomcat basic authentification for admins and closing polls
  • 07.12.2010 Tiit - project documentation as a pdf