5G technology and it's development in Estonia
5G technology and it's development in Estonia
How Does 5G Work?
Controversial moments
Is 5G Really Powerful Radiation?
This is a fairly popular conspiracy theory. Let's look at her key message: is 5G radiation really so powerful that it can cause any disease or harm health in any way? To this question, would answer this way all electromagnetic radiation, from radio waves to X-rays, according to its energy (not power, these are different things) is divided into two types: ionizing, that is, capable of destroying molecules and turning them into ions, and non-ionizing - incapable on this. All 5G bands belong to the non-ionizing type of radiation, such radiation can only heat the living tissue through which it passes, but does not harm its molecules in any way and, as a result, does not affect the chemical processes in living organisms. As a result, studies on the possible, hypothetical, potential and imaginary effects of non-ionizing radiation on living cells are constantly being conducted, but they have never yet given an unambiguous reproducible effect and have not presented a mechanism that would explain this effect. In short, today there is no reason to believe that 5G or any other radio emission can bring any significant harm to human health.