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Revision as of 23:02, 15 October 2016 by Gpalamar (talk | contribs) (Idee)
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Meeskond ja rollid

  • Grigori Palamartšuk - scrum master, product owner and developer
  • Andrei Grigorjev - developer and testing
  • Artyom Likhachev - developer and UI
  • Maksim Tšeljabov - developer and DB


We will try to create a voice control system to perform basic operations with CNC machine (in our case it will be 3D printer "Prusa i3").
Main goal will be to avoid manual interactions with machine and try to build all possible interfaces through the voice commands (voice recognition + speech synthesizer).
Secondary goals:

  • UI/UX implementation "original J.A.R.V.I.S." alike taken from Iron man movie:

  • using Rapberry PI (https://www.adafruit.com/product/3055) with installed software to use as controlling device.
  • adaptation (library of setting configurations) for the program to work with any type of CNC machine.
  • ability to perform simultaneous work with multiple devices (print farms).

Rakenduse sisu

Rakenduses on olemas järgmised võimalused (Must have):

  • voice recognition implementation (using System.Speech.Recognition library) for understanding commands and translating them to "real actions".
  • voice synthesis implementation (using System.Speech.Synthesis library) for retrieving results and statuses.
  • API connection with OctoPrint server (based on Raspberry PI) for sending commands to CNC machine (in our case it is 3D printer).
  • basic UI for main scenario (log of commands, connectivity to device, possible API calls)
  • DB structure/interface implementation to store configurations/auth tokens/commands.
  • forms/interactions for adding material/machine settings to DB (filament temperature settings, machine gcode headers/measurements/max-min temperatures).
  • basic authentication mechanism.

Rakenduses võiksid olla lisavõimalused (Should have):

  • extended UI for all scenarios (authentication/main view and forms/interactions). Usage of "original" J.A.R.V.I.S. UI concept.
  • extended authentication with Cognitive Services (https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/speaker-recognition-api).
  • voice commands for form interactions (filling/saving/editing and deleting information from DB by voice commands).
  • OctoPrint server basic implementation rewrite to C#.



Basic idea /sketch implementation (group formation)

Brainstorm meeting (db structure, UI features, MVP)

Proof of concept application made (voice recognition/voice synthesis)

Basic application steps description; roles assignment.