How to Integrate iRedMail Roundcube with Samba4 AD DC

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How to Integrate iRedMail Roundcube with Samba4 AD DC

Page created by : Md Nazmul Hasan

This is part of Authentication and Authorization course.


The idea of this how to is to create a fresh SAMBA Active Directory Domain Controller in virtual Box and integrate iRedmail (mail server) installed on CENT OS 7.

Installing Ubuntu server 16.04 on Virtual Box

- Create a virtual machine and install Ubuntu server 16.04 click here for installtion guide

Virtual box networking

For installing Samba we need to set static IP Address on ubuntu server 16.04. So we need to add two network adapter on virtual box. In one adapter we need set the static IP and in another on will be in DHCP to get the internet access.

- Set the first adapter as host only

- Set the second adapter as NAT

- Login to Ubuntu server as root

run ifconfig

Make sure that both of the adapter is visible

Don't panic if you cannot see one of the adapter

Now run this command

nano /etc/network/interfaces

Set static IP on primary network interface and second network interface as DHCP

Installing Samba4 on Ubuntu server 16.04

Now install SAMBA as follows:

Follow the instruction here

Installing Windows 10 on Virtual box

Create another virtual machine with two network adapter.

- Host only and NAT

- Install windows 10

- Set static IP on first adapter and same DNS server as Ubuntu server 16.04

- Now join the with windows 10 to Samba Domain as follows

Follow the instructions

- Restart and login as a domain user

- Now download and install Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10

Download RSAT

- Now open active directory users and computers

- Now you will able to control the Active directory Domain controller from Windows 10 using GUI

Install CENT OS 7 on virtual box

Create another virtual machine with two network adapter as like Windows and Ubuntu server

Follow these instructions to install cent OS 7 and join to Samba domain

Install iRedmail on Cent OS

Follow these instruction to install iRedmail on Cent OS 7

Integrate iRedMail Services to Samba4 AD DC

Follow these instructions to integrate iRedmail to Samba4 AD DC

follow these instructions to Integrate iRedmail Roundcube


Samba AD DC is open source solution to Microsoft Active Directory. iRedmail mail server is great solution for email service.




Ubuntu server
