E-SPEAIT Participants
From ICO wiki
Everybody should add his/her name and blog address here.
If you log in with your Uni-ID, you should have the 'edit' tab at the top of this page. Alternatively, you are allowed to e-mail the address directly to the lecturer (but this would keep others from reading - and possibly contributing to, by commenting - your blog), therefore publishing is preferred.
Attention: if you see that the list is already long, please add yourself to the bottom of it. Otherwise, later people will be really hard to spot.
- Kaido Kikkas, https://jora.kakupesa.net/ (sorry, in Estonian only)
- Luca Mizzi
- Andrei Boitsov
- Elza Anna Budreika
- Elina Kurr
- Jernej Ozebek, https://jernejozebek.blogspot.com/
- Mihkel Kiil
- Johanna Heinonen, https://jheino.blogspot.com
- Uku Orupõld, https://ukorup.blogspot.com/
- Maksim Semjonov, https://msemjo.wordpress.com/
- Djessim Aberkane
- Keisuke Konno
- Jakub Harvanik
- Arseni Sergeev, https://arserg.wordpress.com/
- Edvin Ess
- Mariano D'Angelo
- Nikita Kovaljov, https://nikitakovaljov.blogspot.com/
- Dominik Kovacs, https://kovidomiblog.blogspot.com/
- Nikita Balanenkov, https://balanenkov1.blogspot.com/
- Carlos Rodriguez, https://carlosarfcg.blogspot.com/
- Dennis Bykov, https://dennisbykov.wordpress.com/
- Jan Markus Üprus, https://janyprus.blogspot.com/
- Reno