Powershell: Ulvar Petmanson, BootUSB.ps1
<# .Synopsis
Teeb Windows 7 või Windows 2008 paigaldamise USB pulga.
1. Otsib arvuti DVD seadmetest üles kõik sobivad Windows'i installi plaadid ja USB kettad, ning moodustab nendest sobivad paarid 2. Annab võimalusel kasutajale valida, milliselt plaadilt, millisele USB kettale Windows'i paigaldusfailid kopeeritakse. 3. Kui valitud USB ketas pole tühi, küsib kasutajalt nõusolekut ketta tühjendamiseks, seejärel teeb USB ketta buutivaks. 4. Kopeerib Windowsi paigaldusfailid USB kettale.
- >
$SourcesDir = "\sources\"
$InstallFileToCheck = "install.wim"
$Kettad = (Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk -filter 'DriveType=5 and Access>0')
$USBKettad = (Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk -filter 'DriveType=2')
$UusKettad = @()
$KetastePaarid =@()
$i = 0
Function Select-Item { <#
From: http://blogs.technet.com/b/jamesone/archive/2009/06/24/how-to-get-user-input-more-nicely-in-powershell.aspx .Synopsis Allows the user to select simple items, returns a number to indicate the selected item. .Description Produces a list on the screen with a caption followed by a message, the options are then displayed one after the other, and the user can one. Note that help text is not supported in this version. .Example PS> select-item -Caption "Configuring RemoteDesktop" -Message "Do you want to: " -choice "&Disable Remote Desktop", "&Enable Remote Desktop","&Cancel" -default 1 Will display the following Configuring RemoteDesktop Do you want to: [D] Disable Remote Desktop [E] Enable Remote Desktop [C] Cancel [?] Help (default is "E"): .Parameter Choicelist An array of strings, each one is possible choice. The hot key in each choice must be prefixed with an & sign .Parameter Default The zero based item in the array which will be the default choice if the user hits enter. .Parameter Caption The First line of text displayed .Parameter Message The Second line of text displayed #>
Param( [String[]]$choiceList,
[String]$Caption="Palun vali", [String]$Message="Valikud on järgnevad", [int]$default=0 ) $choicedesc = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription] $choiceList | foreach { $choicedesc.Add((New-Object "System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription" -ArgumentList $_))} $Host.ui.PromptForChoice($caption, $message, $choicedesc, $default)
foreach ($Ketas in $Kettad) {
$Usable = Test-Path ($Ketas.DeviceID + $SourcesDir + $InstallFileToCheck) if ($Usable) { $UusKetas = New-Object PSobject -Property @{ DeviceID = $Ketas.DeviceID DriveType = $Ketas.DriveType ProviderName = $Ketas.ProviderName FreeSpace = $Ketas.FreeSpace Size = $Ketas.Size VolumeName = $Ketas.VolumeName Usable = $Usable Jrk = $i } $i++ $UusKettad += $UusKetas }
if ( $UusKettad.Count -lt 1 ) {
echo "Windowsi installi plaati ei leitud!" exit 1
$i = 0 foreach ($Ketas in $UusKettad) {
foreach ($USBKetas in $USBKettad) { $Ketas.Size $USBKetas.Size if ($Ketas.Size -lt $USBKetas.Size) { $KetastePaar = New-Object PSobject -Property @{ Source = $Ketas.DeviceID SourceVolumeName = $Ketas.VolumeName Destination = $USBKetas.DeviceID DestinationVolumeName = $USBKetas.VolumeName Jrk = $i } if ( ($KetastePaar.DestinationVolumeName).Length -eq 0) { $KetastePaar.DestinationVolumeName = "Nimetu" } $i++ $KetastePaarid += $KetastePaar } }
$KetastePaarid if ( $Ketastepaarid.Count -eq 0 ) {
echo "Pole ühtki sobivat ketaste paari!" exit
} $i = 0 $Valikud = @()
foreach ($KetastePaar in $KetastePaarid) {
$Valikud += "&" + $i + "." + $KetastePaar.Source + " (" + $KetastePaar.SourceVolumeName + ") " + " -> " + $KetastePaar.Destination + " (" + $KetastePaar.DestinationVolumeName + ") " $i++
$Valikjrk = Select-Item -Choice $Valikud
foreach ( $KetastePaar in $KetastePaarid) {
if ( $KetastePaar.Jrk -eq $Valikjrk) { $KetastePaar.DestinationVolumeName $Source = $KetastePaar.Source $Destination = $KetastePaar.Destination $DestinationVolumeName = $KetastePaar.DestinationVolumeName }
$Source $Destination
if ( @(Get-ChildItem $Destination -force).Count -gt 0) {
$a = new-object -comobject wscript.shell $intAnswer = $a.popup("Pulk $Destination ( $DestinationVolumeName ) ei ole tühi, kas võib tühjaks teha?",0,"Teeme tühjaks?",4)
If (!($intAnswer -eq 6)) { echo "Nägemist!" exit
} }
$command= @" select volume $Destination clean create partition primary select partition 1 active format fs=fat32 quick exit "@
$command | Diskpart
& "$Source\Boot\BOOTSECT.EXE" /NT60 $Destination
echo "Kopeerin failid pulgale."
Copy-Item $Source\* $Destination\ -Recurse