Driving lessons

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Team page for Deploying IT Infrastructure Solutions.


  • Irena Adamowicz, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences
  • Aleksas Janulevičius, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences
  • Vilius Nedzveckas, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences
  • Rene Pärnpuu, Estonian Information Technology College
  • Xiangwei Zuo, Estonian Information Technology College
  • Giannis Christofakis, T.E.I. of Crete, Department Of Applied Informatics And Multimedia


  • To make an database to save driving lesson's information for reviewing.
  • To make an application for Android devices that marks start and end time of lesson.
  • To make website, where students can see their lesson on Google maps.
  • enable students or instructors to register driving lessons (time, name or routes)


Monday - 25.03.13

Things what we did that day

  • First thing: Our group formed, members from Estonia, Lithuania and Greece.

  • Second thing: Get acquainted with our team members.
  • Third thing: in the afternoon we won the sumo-robot competition. The program we used was "Arduino". First time to use the program. At last, our little robot pushed others hard and became the winner.

Wonderful start for our group!

In addition:

Margus Ernits' lecture about documentation.

Lithuania students delivered us a lecture about data mining.

Graphical User Interface lecture from Vilnius University of Applied Sciences' Mindaugas Liogys.

Tuesday - 26.03.13

Things what we did that day

  • First thing: Analyze our project. Problem analysis. requirement analysis.
  • Second thing: prepare our questions for tomorrow. clients will come to our interview.

Problems what we faced:

  • First problem: description of the task is too brief. It is hard to understand all the purposes and requirements of the task.
  • Second problem: As we don't know the purpose of the task, we don't know the system's requirements and user. Will Estonian automobile registration use the system or not? Police department? The scope of the task.

Things what we plan to do:

  • First thing: divide our tasks and use iteration methods to work.
  • Second thing: write down all the questions to ask our clients.

In addition:

In the morning Margus Ernits(Estonia) gave us a lecture about Security Testing. It was very energy consuming three-hour practice class.

After lunch Dr. Nikolas Vidakis (Greece) taught us about how to acquire information from clients. We learned how to use UML Visual Paradigm program.

Wednesday - 27.03.13

Things what we did that day

  • First thing: Talked to our client Helmes AS' Java team leader Vaiko Karusian face to face. Since he was IT personal, he understood our questions and answered quite thoroughly. In case we need some more help, we can email him later.
  • Second thing: drew graph about our system and divide our jobs. For example: Database, Android (GPS), Web application; Design and interface; WIKI documentation and presentation.

Problems what we faced:

  • First problem: devices will be programed with different programs, connecting them without faults will be challenging.
  • Second problem: work flow, how to divide our jobs.

Questions and answers from client:

  • First Question: what is the purpose of the task?

Answer to question: For fun for the students, additional feature for driving school.

  • Second Question: May student have more than 1 teacher at the time?

Answer to question: Yes!

  • Third Question: Are the devices alwasys in the same car?

Answer to question: Yes

  • Fourth Question: What devices can we use?

Answer to question: Whatever we decide to choose

  • Fifth Question: How are devices supposed to be connected to internet?

Answer to question: Via WI-FI or 3G.

Things what we plan to do:

  • First thing: Make database for the system first
  • Second thing: design the interfaces.

Thursday - 28.03.13

Things what we did that day

  • Decided what we're going to do afterwards.
  • Researched which was the best way to send data to our database.
  • Accepted database schema.
  • Updated wiki!!!

Problems what we faced:

  • How to send data with phonegap from Android to Web server.
  • Debates about database schema.

Things what we plan to do:

  • With phonegap we're going to use mobile phone application to POST data to our web server.
  • Finish designs as soon as possible.
  • Make registration program with C#.
  • Setup server.

Today we had two lectures. Both lecturers were from Estonian Information Technology College. First one "Innovative IT" was delivered by Linnar Viik. It was very informative and inspiring. The formula (Revenue - Expenditure = Profit) is so universal even relevant in IT field. Innovation investment is the input into future. You have to consider it or make it happen if you will build up our own business in IT.

Kaido Kikkas' lecture about ethics and social problems around IT was also wonderful. It gave us an opportunity to think where we were heading. Your goal and your responsibilities. Amish vs. Hackers.

A wonderful day!

Friday - 29.03.13

Things what we did that day: Happy Easter to Everybody!

  • First thing: built up our computer-server system. Rene Pärnpuu brought us a router and server from somewhere and built up the system. Our group members' computers were connected to the server.
  • Second thing: Database formats are created on the server. Decided to use only mobile GPS for first try, not separate GPS device.

Problems what we faced:

  • Still we have to figure out how to send data with Phonegap from Android to Web server. (for example: routs, times and duration of the lessons from GPS to Data server.) Automatically.
  • We asked for a real GPS device and Indrek Rokk will contact Helmes AS to get one. On Monday evening we will connect our Android phone GPS with our network system. (Initial test)

What we plan to do:

  • Try with phone GPS with Data server.
  • Design Web Application for private computer users.

Jobs divided:

  • Irena: Database system on the server.
  • Aleksas: Create GPS connection and synchronize phone GPS data with servers.
  • Vilius: Assist Aleksas on the same subject.
  • Giannis: Create Android phone user interface and application for drivers or teachers.
  • Rene: Create Web application on the server.
  • Zuo: summarize the work and update WIKI.

Saturday - 30.03.13

Things what we did that day:

Happy Culture Day to Everybody!

Television tower and marine time museum trip! Enjoy the views from the blue sky!

Sunday - 31.03.13

A free day!

Monday - 1.04.13

Things what we did that day:

We worked on our assignments.

We made a database on the server and try to connect mobile system with the server.

Problems what we faced: Server connection was not stable. Sometimes it went off just unexpectedly.

What we plan to do: Work on Windows server programs and mobile Android program.

Tuesday - 2.04.13

Things what we did that day:

We visited SKYPE office near IT College. The company's manager gave us brief introduction and information. We had a tour in their building. Soon after SKYPE we went to Suur-Sõjamäe where was our client Helmes AS' office. First hour we discussed our project. What Helmes AS wanted was our prototype product. But we still had no final products to show them. We were working hard on it.

In the afternoon we had lecture from Dr. Kärt Rummel about presentation skills. She provided much practical information about how to make an effective presentation.

Problems what we faced: Client wanted to see the final products, but we still could not deliver it. From client's point of view we should already have had some prototype to show.

What we plan to do: Work on the project and get the final result. Also we should practice our presentation skill.

Wednesday - 3.04.13

Things what we did that day:

We made our slides for our tomorrow's presentation. We practiced our presentation and received feedback from teachers and students. It was a good learning session.

Problems what we faced: We had to improve our presentation skills and slides. There were too many slides and too long sentences. We still worked on our project. Coding, synchronizing data with PC.

What we plan to do: Do a good presentation and also work on our codes.

Thursday - 4.04.13

Things what we did that day:

We practiced our presentation and improved our slides. Still we worked on our codes.

We made our final presentation on our program.

We met with our client from Helmes AS. Client wanted to see the final prototype. We shew them what we had done so far. However our system still didn't work. We needed more time to connect the mobile and server systems.

Client wanted us to test our system and would come tomorrow again to see whether we had the final product.

Problems what we faced: Still no final prototype ready. Client wanted it badly.

What we plan to do: Work on codes and connections of three systems.

Friday - 5.04.13

Things what we did that day:

We worked on our codes and system connection techniques. Also we quickened our documentation part. Vilius made a nice full document for our project that we would post on this web side.

We filled in the feedback forms.

Problems what we faced: We had only two hours to test our products until our final delivering time.

What we plan to do: Testing program; writing our documentation; finishing our Intensive Program.


The assignment is to build up a client-server solution for driving schools to record their driving lessons. The saved data will be available for reviewing from home computers.


Xiangwei Zuo: summarize the work and update WIKI. I also joined to test some function of database. Found out GPS coordinates and make a testing base for our server.

Irena: Database system on the server. Desktop application for registration. I also made gant diagramm, class diagram and did presentation.

Aleksas: I created smart phone application for android. Established GPS connection and helpt width synchronization of phone GPS data with server.

Vilius: I assisted Aleksas at creating smart phone application. I also did documentation and use case diagrams.

Giannis: I assisted Aleksas at creating smart phone application and worked on Android phone user interface and synchronization.

Rene: Configured server. Created Web application.

Final documentation


(charts, diagrams, Relationship graphics in the document).


(this is Gantt Diagram).


(this is another Gantt Diagram).



IP Feed-back

Feedback from Xiangwei Zuo

Helmes AS' assignment was a real life solution to a real problem. I liked to solve real life problems with our programs. During these two weeks I knew that a "simple" program could turn out to be very time consuming and difficult to make.

Since I just began learning programming one year ago, I had no much programming skills. Many things that our other members wrote I couldn't do it. For example programming server, setting up a local computer network. However I learned from their efforts and supported their jobs.

Through this program I learned what clients' real concern and what client-server system means. Also I could use what I learned in IT College to start tackling the task. For example using analysis techniques and Data Flow Diagram to start. Then using Java to program Android application.

Team work skills are also important. We are international team so we consider others' interests and cultures. So we can work smoothly.

Also I liked very much the different lectures in the programs. From real programming language, innovative thinking, to presentation skills, this is important information for our future development.

feedback from Aleksas Janulevicius

I liked very much sumo-robot competition, it was new for me.

Feedback from Vilius Nedzveckas

This year work looks more like team work. We all selected tasks, also some works we did together. I helped a little bit for Aleksas with phone application. I write documentation, with team help. So we all contribute to the project by helping each others.

Feedback from Irena Adamovic

This programm was an interesting experience for me. I gaind experience of working in a team and learned a lot about other cultures. Also it was very fun to programm a robot. Talking generaly about organization of this project it was good, but there was too little lessons on our subjects. For example for our team there shoud have been a lesson on GPS or something like that. The lessons on web security there interesting and usefull in general, but they did not contribute to our project at hand for us. The college shoul have also checked beforehand what demands the cliens of the projects have for students. There was one team whose client was really too demanding.

To sum it up the project was interesting and even through it still has places to work on, I think that next year it will be even better.

Feedback from René Pärnpuu

Sumo robots we're fun, although it might not be the best teamwork exercise to start with. I loved internationality of this IP and working with new people. Also places we visited we're great! For next IP it would be good if organisers would make more plans for student evenings or maybe ask chosen students help organising some events themselves. On teamwork: too bad that we didn't have much planning and overall team effort was total mess, otherwise we could have made a very good product that customer could be proud of. Overall this IP teached me that I should really plan more and manage my time better. All in all - it was great event and I had a lot of fun.

Member 6 feedback

I liked this and that. Didn't like.

Feedback from the teacher (Mindaugas Liogys)

Driving lessons team did a great job. The atmosphere in the team was very pleasant. Of course, not everything went as smoothly as was expected at the very beginning, but all problems were solved and the project now is succesfully completed. It was our pleasure to work with the client (Helmes company), they were very understanding and pleasant people.

It was my pleasure to work in this team.

Special thanks from our team goes to hosts of this fine event, especially Martina and Marily for taking care of us, and for Helmes company for interesting task and their gifts.