I719 Fundamentals of Python

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Revision as of 15:13, 22 February 2017 by Eroman (talk | contribs) (Add more project notes)
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This class is python for beginners, taugh Spring 2017


My email is eroman@itcollege.ee

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I know already

It would be good to know:

  • How to use the unix command line
  • GIT

What editor/IDE should I use?

Whatever you want! I recommend learning emacs or vim. If you do not know how to use any specific editor and do not want to learn one now, then use spyder for writing python.

What python version are we using?

I will teach using python 3

What books/resources do you recommend?

This page contains most of python's syntax: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/python3/

What software do I need to install?

You only need python 3 and an editor.

I recommend that you install an interactive python shell, like IPython1 or bpython2


There will be a test on the last day. It is pass/fail. You may do a project instead of the test. I recommend this, since it will be more fun and you will learn more.

Project Requirements

  • it can do something
  • it uses version control
    • it has more than one commit
    • it has commit messages that are relevant to the commit
  • it has a relevant unit test

Project idea examples

  • a game
  • exploring a technology like image recognition
  • a command line tool that does something
  • a web application in python
    • Flask is simple and has good documentation for building a website
    • for a website that would require users to sign up and login, consider Django
  • a web scraper
  • many websites have HTTP APIs that can give you data, you can make something that uses data from public APIs.

If you want to do things with cryptography

  • a cryptographic chat app
  • a password storage bank like KeePassX

Can I ...?

Can I use python 2?


Can I use external libraries outside of the standard library?


If you use external libraries, include a requirements.txt or setup.py which has a list of packages required by your project

Lecture Notes


recordings are found here: https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/portal/section/fc0c6bfd-9187-4365-b2c9-0085b3a89906

Lecture 1

Basic types, lists, for-loops, functions, imports and classes https://wiki.itcollege.ee/index.php/I719_Fundamentals_of_Python/lecture1

Lecture 2

importable modules, unit tests, dictionaries https://wiki.itcollege.ee/index.php/I719_Fundamentals_of_Python/lecture2

Lecture 3

Command line arguements, opening and using files, csv files https://wiki.itcollege.ee/index.php/I719_Fundamentals_of_Python/lecture3


file to count words in: http://pastebin.com/3faqcc5j csv file: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uSbHeppEyKNxF0WncvhxTBF8wj_co0v5XOYlXKLL8Lg/edit?usp=sharing