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nmcli on käsurea tööriist, mille abil saab kontrollida NetworkManageri ja pärida selle staatust. See ei ole mõeldud asendamiseks mõnda nm-applet või muid sarnaseid programme. Pigem on see mõeldud täiendavaks nendele programmidele. Peamiselt leiab nmcli kasutatavust serverites, iseseisvale masinale või lihtsalt edasijõudnud kasutajatele, kes eelistavad kasutada käsurida.

Erinevaid kasutusviise

1) Initskriptit: ifup / ifdown saab kasutada nmcli kaudu Network managerile ligi pääsemiseks, selle asemel, et hallata ühendusi ise ja segada NetworkManageri tööd.

2) Servereid, peata masinaid, millel puudub graafiline liides, siis kasutatakse nmcli-d et rääkida otse NetworkManageri ja kontrollida kogu süsteemi ühendusi.

3) Kristian Kivimägi A22


      nmcli  [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }
      OBJECT := { nm | con | dev }
      OPTIONS := {
      -m[mode] tabular | multiline
      -f[ields] <field1,field2,...> | all | common
      -e[scape] yes | no


      -t, --terse
             Output is terse.  This mode is designed and suitable for
             computer (script) processing.
      -p, --pretty
             Output is pretty.  This causes nmcli to produce easy readable
             outputs for humans, i.e. values are aligned, headers are
             printed, etc.
      -m, --mode tabular | multiline
             Switch between tabular and multiline output.  If omitted,
             default is tabular for most commands.  For the commands
             producing more structured information, that cannot be displayed
             on a single line, default is multiline. Currenly, they are:
               'nmcli con list id|uuid <name>'
               'nmcli dev list'
             tabular   - Output is a table where each line describes a single
             entry.  Columns define particular properties of the entry.
             multiline - Each entry comprises more lines, each property on
             its own line.  The values are prefixed with the property name.
      -f, --fields <field1,field2,...> | all | common
             This option is used to specify what fields (column names) should
             be printed.  Valid field names differ for specific commands.
             List available fields by providing an invalid value to the
             --fields option.
             all is used to print all valid field values of the command.
             common is used to print common field values of the command.  If
             omitted, default is common.  The option is mandatory when
             --terse is used.  In this case, generic values all and common
             cannot be used.  (This is to maintain compatibility when new
             fields are added in the future).
      -e, --escape yes | no
             Whether to escape ':' and '\' characters in terse tabular mode.
             The escape character is '\'.  If omitted, default is yes.
      -v, --version
             Show nmcli version.
      -h, --help
             Print help information.