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Olen Kaido Kikkas (paljud teavad ka Kaku nime all), TTÜ IT kolledži dotsent, pikaaegne Linuxi fänn ja ITSPEA kursuse (ICY0004 eesti keeles, ICS0006 inglise keeles) koostaja ja põhiõppejõud. Lisaks õpetan küberturbele sotsiaalmanipulatsiooni, juhendan eri erialade lõputöid (kursusetöödest doktorini) ja teen väikest viisi ka teadust.

Mind leiab kolledži ruumist nr 524 (V korrusel - tuleb kas koridoriukse taga kella anda või ette helistada). Telefon on laual 6285826 ja taskus 5064464, e-post töötab täisnimega (punkt nimede vahel) nii kolledži kui ülikooli (ja ka GMaili) aadressil, samuti koduses Kakupesa serveris.

NB! Koroonapandeemia algusest töötan peamiselt kodus distantsilt. Näost-näkku kohtumisi saab vajadusel korraldada, kuid need tuleks eelnevalt eraldi kokku leppida.



I am Kaido Kikkas (a.k.a. Kakk, or Owl in Estonian), an Associate Professor at the IT College, a Linux fan and the supervisor/lecturer (also author) of the Estonian-language ITSPEA (course code ICY0004) and English-language SPEAIT (ICS0006) courses (also teaching another smaller one about Social Engineering). I also supervise theses on all academic levels (from courseworks to PhD) and do some research (recently mostly on softer aspects of Cyber Security).

At the College, I can be found from my office (524) - either call beforehands or try to ring the doorbell at the 5th floor door on top of the main stairs. The office phone is 6285826 and mobile 5064464, the full name (with separating dot/period) works as e-mail at the College, at the University, GMail, and also my home server

Note: Since the COVID-19 outbreak, I have been mostly home-based, working from distance. Face to face meetings can still be arranged, but need to be agreed upon beforehands.