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*<span style="color:#FF0000">PLACEHOLDER</span>
Loodud sai kontaktiraamatu teenus, mis põhineb õppejõu "Telefoniraamatu teenus" näidisteemal.
Teenus on loodud WCF baasil ja kasutab Asp.Net kasutajate autentimist, mille jaoks on vastavad membership- ja roleprovider. Teenus võimaldab ka logimist, mis toimub enne sissetuleva päringu täitmist ning kus kontrollitakse ka kasutaja päringu limiidi ületamist. Teenuse päringud teostatakse Ninject süstimise abil läbi uow (unit-of-work) konteineri, mis omakorda sisaldab repositooriume. Kogu andmekiht on üles ehitatud Entity Framework Code First meetodil.
Teenus pakub järgmisi meetodeid:
* <b>User methods </b>
**<b> AuthenticateUser</b>  - Tries to authenticate the user based on credentials.
*** returns  >  User object of the user or null if authentication failed.
**<b> GetAuthenticatedMyContact </b>  - Gets personal contact object of the querying user.
*** returns  >  A contact object.
**<b> AddUpdateContact </b>  - Add or update contacts infromation.
*** param name="contact"  >  Contact object to add or update.
*** returns  >  A contact object with updated fields.
**<b> AddUpdateContactInfo </b>  - Add or update contacts contact infromation.
*** param name="contactInfo"  >  Contact information object to add or update.
*** returns  >  A contact information object with updated fields.
**<b> AddUpdateContactPicture </b>  - Add or update a contacts picture.
***param name="contactId" > Id of the contact to whom we wish to add a picture to or update/replace and existing one.
***param name="picture" > File object of containing the picture we wish to add to a contact.
***returns > A file object with updated fields.
**<b> DeleteContact </b>  - Deletes a contact by contact object.
***param name="contact" > Contact object of the contact to delete.
***returns > True if deleteion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
**<b> DeleteContactById </b>  - Deletes a contact by id.
***param name="id" > Id of the contact to delete.
***returns > True if deleteion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
**<b> DeleteContactInfo </b>  - Deletes a contacts contact information by contact information object.
***param name="contact" > ContactInfo object of the contact information to delete.
***returns > True if deleteion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
**<b> DeleteContactInfoById </b>  - Deletes a contacts contact information by contact information id.
***param name="id" > Id of the contact information to delete.
***returns > True if deleteion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
**<b> GetAllContacts </b>  - Gets a list of all contacts of the querying user.
***returns > A list of contact objects.
**<b> GetAllContactInfoTypes </b>  - Gets a list of contact information types.
***returns > A list of contactinfotype objects.
**<b> GetAllContactInfoesByContactId </b>  - Gets a list of a contacts contact information.
***param name="contactId" > Id of a contact whose contactinformation to retrieve.
***returns > A list of contactinfo objects.
**<b> GetByIdContact </b>  - Returns a contacts information.
***param name="id" > Id of the contact whose information to retrieve.
***returns > A contact object
**<b> GetByIdContactPicture </b>  - Returns a file object, containing a picture in binary form, of a contact.
***param name="id" > Id of the contact whose picture to retrieve.
***returns > A file object of the contacts picture.
**<b> SearchContactByAny </b>  - Searches contacts by name or by contacts information, depending on given input.
***param name="any" > Symbol combination to search by.
***param name="type" > Contact info type name to search by, or all to search by everything.
***returns > A list of contacts matching the search criteria.
**<b> SearchContactByAnyPublic </b>  - Searches contacts by name or by contacts information, depending on given input. Also searches publicly available contact (contacts that have IsPublic=True).
***param name="any" > Symbol combination to search by.
***param name="type" > Contact info type name to search by, or all to search by everything.
***returns > A list of contacts matching the search criteria.
* <b> Administrators methods </b>
**<b> AdminAddUpdateUser </b>  - Administrator method, adds or updates a user.
***param name="user" > User object to add or update.
***returns > A user object with updated fields.
**<b> AdminDeleteUser </b>  - Administrator method, deletes a user by id. (Sets DeletedOn date to now)
***param name="userId" > Id of the user to delete.
***returns > True if deletion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
**<b> AdminGetAllUsers </b>  - Administrator method, gets a list of all users.
***returns > A list of user objects.
**<b> AdminGetAllUserRoles - Administrator method, gets all possible user roles.
***returns > A list of type user role objects
**<b> AdminGetByIdUser </b>  - Administrator method, gets the user object by id.
***param name="userId" > Id of the user whose user data we wish to retrieve.
***returns > A user object.
**<b> AdminGetLogsByUserId </b>  - Administrator method, gets a list of logs by user id. Get only the logs from the last 24 hours.
***param name="userId" > Id of the user whose logs to get.
***returns > A list of log objects.


Revision as of 15:22, 16 May 2013


Veiko Vainu D21



Retsensioon meeskond „asdasdasd“ XML-i kohta – 24.03.2013

Retsensioon meeskond „SaanEndagaHästiLäbi“ XML-i kohta – 24.03.2013

XML fail

XML andmefail

XML skeemifail

XML stiilifailid

XML to HTML - Kuvab vasakul pool lehte kogu XML-i sisu nn. puuvaates. Paremal pool on otsing, mis otsib sõduri ees- ja perekonnanimest vastavat stringi.

XML to XML - Trükib välja kõik sõdurid sorteerides perekonnanime ja seejärel eesnime järgi. Igale sõdurile on lisatud ka uus atribuut ID, mis koosneb sõduri ID-st ja tema rühma, allüksuse ja väeosa ID-st.

XML to Excel - Loob workbooki iga allüksuse jaoks oma worksheeti kuhu kuvatakse selle üksuse isikkooseis sorteeritult Auastme tähestikulises järjekorras.

  • XML to Excel
  • Näidis XML
  • Näidis EXCEL
  • Kuidas - tuleb xml faili lisada viide vastavale xslt stylesheetile, seejärel tuleb xml fail Excelis avada ja valida, et kasutatakse vastavat stiilifaili.

XML kõik ühes (.rar)


Loodud sai kontaktiraamatu teenus, mis põhineb õppejõu "Telefoniraamatu teenus" näidisteemal.

Teenus on loodud WCF baasil ja kasutab Asp.Net kasutajate autentimist, mille jaoks on vastavad membership- ja roleprovider. Teenus võimaldab ka logimist, mis toimub enne sissetuleva päringu täitmist ning kus kontrollitakse ka kasutaja päringu limiidi ületamist. Teenuse päringud teostatakse Ninject süstimise abil läbi uow (unit-of-work) konteineri, mis omakorda sisaldab repositooriume. Kogu andmekiht on üles ehitatud Entity Framework Code First meetodil.

Teenus pakub järgmisi meetodeid:

  • User methods
    • AuthenticateUser - Tries to authenticate the user based on credentials.
      • returns > User object of the user or null if authentication failed.
    • GetAuthenticatedMyContact - Gets personal contact object of the querying user.
      • returns > A contact object.
    • AddUpdateContact - Add or update contacts infromation.
      • param name="contact" > Contact object to add or update.
      • returns > A contact object with updated fields.
    • AddUpdateContactInfo - Add or update contacts contact infromation.
      • param name="contactInfo" > Contact information object to add or update.
      • returns > A contact information object with updated fields.
    • AddUpdateContactPicture - Add or update a contacts picture.
      • param name="contactId" > Id of the contact to whom we wish to add a picture to or update/replace and existing one.
      • param name="picture" > File object of containing the picture we wish to add to a contact.
      • returns > A file object with updated fields.
    • DeleteContact - Deletes a contact by contact object.
      • param name="contact" > Contact object of the contact to delete.
      • returns > True if deleteion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
    • DeleteContactById - Deletes a contact by id.
      • param name="id" > Id of the contact to delete.
      • returns > True if deleteion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
    • DeleteContactInfo - Deletes a contacts contact information by contact information object.
      • param name="contact" > ContactInfo object of the contact information to delete.
      • returns > True if deleteion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
    • DeleteContactInfoById - Deletes a contacts contact information by contact information id.
      • param name="id" > Id of the contact information to delete.
      • returns > True if deleteion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
    • GetAllContacts - Gets a list of all contacts of the querying user.
      • returns > A list of contact objects.
    • GetAllContactInfoTypes - Gets a list of contact information types.
      • returns > A list of contactinfotype objects.
    • GetAllContactInfoesByContactId - Gets a list of a contacts contact information.
      • param name="contactId" > Id of a contact whose contactinformation to retrieve.
      • returns > A list of contactinfo objects.
    • GetByIdContact - Returns a contacts information.
      • param name="id" > Id of the contact whose information to retrieve.
      • returns > A contact object
    • GetByIdContactPicture - Returns a file object, containing a picture in binary form, of a contact.
      • param name="id" > Id of the contact whose picture to retrieve.
      • returns > A file object of the contacts picture.
    • SearchContactByAny - Searches contacts by name or by contacts information, depending on given input.
      • param name="any" > Symbol combination to search by.
      • param name="type" > Contact info type name to search by, or all to search by everything.
      • returns > A list of contacts matching the search criteria.
    • SearchContactByAnyPublic - Searches contacts by name or by contacts information, depending on given input. Also searches publicly available contact (contacts that have IsPublic=True).
      • param name="any" > Symbol combination to search by.
      • param name="type" > Contact info type name to search by, or all to search by everything.
      • returns > A list of contacts matching the search criteria.
  • Administrators methods
    • AdminAddUpdateUser - Administrator method, adds or updates a user.
      • param name="user" > User object to add or update.
      • returns > A user object with updated fields.
    • AdminDeleteUser - Administrator method, deletes a user by id. (Sets DeletedOn date to now)
      • param name="userId" > Id of the user to delete.
      • returns > True if deletion was successful. False if deletion was unsuccessful.
    • AdminGetAllUsers - Administrator method, gets a list of all users.
      • returns > A list of user objects.
    • AdminGetAllUserRoles - Administrator method, gets all possible user roles.
      • returns > A list of type user role objects
    • AdminGetByIdUser - Administrator method, gets the user object by id.
      • param name="userId" > Id of the user whose user data we wish to retrieve.
      • returns > A user object.
    • AdminGetLogsByUserId - Administrator method, gets a list of logs by user id. Get only the logs from the last 24 hours.
      • param name="userId" > Id of the user whose logs to get.
      • returns > A list of log objects.




  • 2013.03.13 – Sai paika pandud XML faili struktuur ja loodud seda genereeriv rakendus.
  • 2013.03.14 – XSLT faili loomine, lisatud „Puuvaade“ näitamaks kõiki sisendeid.
  • 2013.03.15 – XSLT failile inimeste otsing vastavalt kasutaja sisendile lisatud (ainult IE). Sai tehtud XSLT fail XML-i transformeerimiseks teistsuguseks XML-iks ja ka XSLT fail XML-i exceli vorminduse jaoks.
  • 2013.03.20 – XML to HTML otsing töötab nüüd IE, Chrome ja Firefoxiga
    • wiki leht loodud,XML wiki lehele lisatud, tehtud stiilifailide näidised
  • 2013.03.24 – Teiste tiimide XML tööde retsenseerimine