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[[Category:I803, I385]]

=I803 IT Infrastructure services=
=IT Infrastructure services=
This is the home page of courses I803 and I385 for both daily and contact students.
Added link to 2018 autumn echo360 video recordings, see "important links" section
Andres Septer >>  andres (.) septer (ät) itcollege (.) ee
Andres Septer >>  andres (.) septer (ät) itcollege (.) ee
===form of graduation===
===form of graduation===
Comprehensive examination, ECTS 6
Comprehensive examination, ECTS 6 I803, ECTS 5 I385
==Important links==
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/infra2016/ course files folder on enos]
* [https://labnet.itcollege.ee I-TEE / LABNET labs and exercizes environment]
* [https://elab.itcollege.ee e-lab interactive labs environment]
* Video portal, lecture recordings
** [https://echo360.org.uk/section/ed1ca076-6eac-4b04-84b0-e9ed874759e6/public 2018 autumn] 
** [https://echo360.org.uk/section/5ad2d09e-1c68-4b59-bcec-d2aad36b3c00/public 2018 I]
** [https://echo360.org.uk/section/5466b793-0531-40a5-a1d1-3c36ac94e0c4/public 2018 II]
** [https://echo360.org.uk/section/17011a09-5aa5-4835-833b-024c81605720/public I803, 2017 autumn]
** [https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/portal/section/352c82c7-1d3e-4cdc-a9d2-5fd5dc17bae4 PÄEVAÕPE 2017]
** [https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/portal/section/a825161d-c4e5-4137-9e17-950c52ec27fb 2017 KAUGÕPE 2017]
** [https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/portal/section/8a106834-17b8-4320-8d67-6d8a620b2405 2016]
* Lectures (I explain stuff)
* Lectures (I explain stuff)
* Excercises – practical tasks with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. Practicing themes discussed in lectures.
* Excercises – practical tasks with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. Practicing themes discussed in lectures.
* Labs – same as exercises, except no step-by-step instructions. You have to find all the necessary information by yourself (Though there is some hints) and solve the problems independedly.  
* Labs – same as exercises, except no step-by-step instructions. You have to find all the necessary information by yourself (Though there is some hints) and solve the problems independedly.
* You do series of labs and present them to lecturer.
* All labs have minimum achievements that MUST be met.
* All labs are mandatory (at least minimum level)
* All labs must be ready at due date
* Lab minimums sum up as 50 points. You need at least one additional point to get graded.
* Additionally you you have to do one 5-minute presentation about IT as teamwork
* Presentation is mandatory homework, as labs. You have to do it, to grade.
* You have to do it on time.
* Teams are formed by lecturer. Also I promote team leaders.
* Team size will depend on how many people attends to course in any given year. (usually 3-4 members per team)
===Your task explained===
Do a presentation about some major (braindead) design flaw or security hole or misfeature in some Protocol, Operating System, Programming Language, Service, etc.
It should not be about some usual misconfiguration problem.
Your presentation must rise a questions like: „What they where thinking?“ „Are people who designed this, totally braindead?“, „WAT?“
Your presentation gets valued higher if it's based on real life experience. I.e. member of your team has encountered this problem firsthand and wasted a time to solve a problem that should not exist at all.
If no-one at your team has had such an experience use google. You probably want to search about Windows but Linux and all programming languages contain enough „WAT“s.
Presentation should be comprehensive (and suggestionally funny)  describing the problem (and solution, if you have one). Length about 5 minutes, no more than 7 minutes.
Team will be avarded 0—4 points, depending on your performance.
====Some examples and materials====
* [https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat Excellent presentation, if you create something similar you get max points]
* [http://quake.rm-arendus.eu/?p=750 Exmple rant about very bad UI/UX experience] (NO! do not make presentation about this)
* Also I will make you a sample presentation on one of the lectures.
====Team leader responsibilities====
Team leader will be responsible about presentation in general and not missing the deadline.
Team leader will delegate tasks (who finds topic, who prepares slides, who does actual presentation etc.)
Team leader will share awarded points between team members. He has cmplete freedom to share them whatever way he/she seems appropriate (including taking all the glory (i.e. points) by him/herself)
Team leader are responsible for re-scheduling a live presentation time if neended. He/she has to find the team to switch times, make a deal and inform lecturer NO LESS than one day before due date.
===2016 teams===
====Blue team====
* '''Mohanad Aly Hassan Ali Elsafty, Team Leader'''
* Meelis Hass
* Indrek Taal
====Yellow team====
* '''Lộc Phan Văn, Team Leader'''
* Artur Vincent Kerge
* Artur Ovtšinnikov
====Green team====
* '''Kustas Kurval, Team Leader'''
* MD Nazmul Hasan
* Anton Zolotarjov
====Orange team====
* '''Etienne Iotefa Marie Barrier, Team Leader'''
* Ilja Shustov
* Sheela Gowry Sumathi Raju
* Basic understanding how Operating System and services work
* Basic understanding how Operating System and services work
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* Basic understanding how TCP/IP networking works
* Basic understanding how TCP/IP networking works
We DO repeat some (critical) stuff you learned previously (but not all)
We DO repeat some (critical) stuff you learned previously (but not all)
==Topics covered==
==Topics covered==
* Introduction. Seminar: IT Infrastructure and it's components.  
* Introduction. Seminar: IT Infrastructure and it's components.  
* core services: DHCP, DNS, NTP jms.
* core services: DHCP, DNS, NTP jms.
* web services (from Infra admin point of view)
* web services (from Infra admin point of view)
* Documenting
* * Backup and Archive
* Backup and Archive
* Monitoring and log aggregation
* Monitoring and log aggregation
* Redundancy and high availability
* Redundancy and high availability (covered within other topics mostly)
* Automation
* Documentation and Configuration Management
* Virtualization
* Virtualization
* Additional themes may add up
* How stuff are different, dealing with REAL HARDWARE
==Additional information==
* Additional topics may add up
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/infra2016/ course files folder on enos]
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/router_prep.pdf How to prepare router for labs]
==To Grade==
* [https://i-tee.itcollege.ee I-TEE labs and exercizes environment]
* You do series of labs (marked as MANDATORY) and present to lecturer.
* LABs in I-TEE environment (LABS II will be don DURING LESSONS). Schedule will be presented by lecturer during course.
* LABS in E-LAB environment are done AT HOME. Due date - end of semester. Suggested schedule included with labs.
* All labs have minimum achievements that MUST be met.
* Labs are mandatory (at least minimum level)
* Labs must be ready at due date
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/00intro.odp 00intro.odp]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0101DNS.odp 0101DNS.odp]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0102DNS-indepth.odp 0102DNS-indepth.odp]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0200DHCP.odp 0200DHCP.odp]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0300NTP.odp 0300NTP.odp]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0501-backups.odp 0501-backups.odp]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0701-web-services.odp 0701-web-services.odp]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0702-ssl.ppt 0702-ssl.ppt]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0801-apache-web-server.odp 0801-apache-web-server.odp]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/1101documentation.odp 1101documentation.odp]
*[http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/1201-automation.odp 1201-automation.odp]
E-book is available via TTU Library systems Toru and Safari
*Mastering Proxmox Third edition
*[https://ttu.ee/institutes/library-3/for-students/information-retrieval-lecture-training/ How to use Library]
*[https://ttu.ee/asutused/raamatukogu/teenused/kaugtoo/ Raamatukogu kasutusjuhend e.k.]
==Exercizes i-tee (those exercizes are VOLUNTEER, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)==
Those exercizes are done it i-tee ENV [https://i-tee.itcollege.ee]
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0100DNSexercize.pdf DNS exercise]
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0203ExerciseNo1part2.pdf DNS part II]
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0301exercize02DHCP.pdf DHCP excercize]

==Course portal for videos==
==Exercizes (Learning Objects) in ELAB environment (those LABS are MANDATORY)==
[https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/portal/section/8a106834-17b8-4320-8d67-6d8a620b2405 2016]
LABS are done it elab ENV [https://elab.itcollege.ee]
Those LABS contain on-line instructions and are meant to complete at HOME
* Learning Space - VyOS - Firewall (all three parts), Suggested due date 15 th. october)
* Learning Space - Monitoring
* Learning Space - HTTPS Security, Suggested due date, after completion of i-tee LAB123 (DNS,DHCP,NTP) and BEFORE start oh LAB456
* Learning Space - Linux troubleshooting (suggested to do ASAP, helps to finis labs quicker)
If those LABs are not available when you log to e-lab environment, inform Lecturer immediately.

* 31.08 Introduction + teamwork [https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/echo/presentation/077e43c4-8cf0-40a7-8db4-0f2e590998a7?ec=true video1] [https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/echo/presentation/077e43c4-8cf0-40a7-8db4-0f2e590998a7?ec=true video2] [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/00intro.odp slides]
Those labs are done it Labnet ENV [https://labnet.itcollege.ee]
* 14.09 Introduction to root services: [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0101DNS.odp DNS] + [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/01DNSexercize.pdf exercise] [https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/echo/presentation/26abcded-af52-4963-a2a6-382b548510b9recording part 1]
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0401-lab-DNS-DHCP-NTP-18p.pdf LAB 1-2-3 DNS, DHCP, NTP]
* 21.09 Introduction to root services: [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0200DHCP.odp DHCP], [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0201DNSproblemsolved.odp DNS problem explained], [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0203ExerciseNo1part2.odt Exercize No 1 Part II, fix DNS] [https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/echo/presentation/ac77e036-fe0a-4ec4-b81c-ddf199d1502a lecture part I] [https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/echo/presentation/4c920938-db34-46eb-b263-b6eb2b596ab4 Part II]
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0800lab-456-web-services.pdf LAB 4-5-6 Web services, proxy, SSL Part I]
* 28.09 Introduction to root services: NTP [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0300NTP.odp slides] [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0301exercize02DHCP.pdf Exercize No 2 DHCP, NTP] [https://echo360.e-ope.ee/ess/echo/presentation/5c422e76-b6bb-465b-8418-70d85f2a5e22 lecture recording]
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0900lab-456-web-services.pdf LAB 4-5-6 Web services, proxy, SSL Part II]
* 05.10 [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0102DNS-indepth.odp Review: RRs and ZONES. SOA record explained] [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/0401-lab-DNS-DHCP-NTP-18p.pdf LAB 1-2-3 DHCP, DNS, NTP]
* [http://enos.itcollege.ee/~asepter/I803/1000lab-456-web-services.pdf LAB 4-5-6 Web services, proxy, SSL Part III]
* 12.10 LAB 1-2-3
* LAB 678 instructions will be added later
* 19.10 LAB 1-2-3 DUE DATE! Be ready to present your lab.
* Hardware LAB instructions will be added later

Latest revision as of 08:57, 5 September 2019

IT Infrastructure services


This is the home page of courses I803 and I385 for both daily and contact students.


Added link to 2018 autumn echo360 video recordings, see "important links" section


Andres Septer >> andres (.) septer (ät) itcollege (.) ee

form of graduation

Comprehensive examination, ECTS 6 I803, ECTS 5 I385

Important links


  • Lectures (I explain stuff)
  • Excercises – practical tasks with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. Practicing themes discussed in lectures.
  • Labs – same as exercises, except no step-by-step instructions. You have to find all the necessary information by yourself (Though there is some hints) and solve the problems independedly.


  • Basic understanding how Operating System and services work
  • Basic Linux shell experience
  • Basic understanding how TCP/IP networking works

We DO repeat some (critical) stuff you learned previously (but not all)

Topics covered

  • Introduction. Seminar: IT Infrastructure and it's components.
  • core services: DHCP, DNS, NTP jms.
  • web services (from Infra admin point of view)
  • * Backup and Archive
  • Monitoring and log aggregation
  • Redundancy and high availability (covered within other topics mostly)
  • Documentation and Configuration Management
  • Virtualization
  • How stuff are different, dealing with REAL HARDWARE
  • Additional topics may add up

To Grade

  • You do series of labs (marked as MANDATORY) and present to lecturer.
  • LABs in I-TEE environment (LABS II will be don DURING LESSONS). Schedule will be presented by lecturer during course.
  • LABS in E-LAB environment are done AT HOME. Due date - end of semester. Suggested schedule included with labs.
  • All labs have minimum achievements that MUST be met.
  • Labs are mandatory (at least minimum level)
  • Labs must be ready at due date



E-book is available via TTU Library systems Toru and Safari

Exercizes i-tee (those exercizes are VOLUNTEER, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)

Those exercizes are done it i-tee ENV [1]

Exercizes (Learning Objects) in ELAB environment (those LABS are MANDATORY)

LABS are done it elab ENV [2] Those LABS contain on-line instructions and are meant to complete at HOME

  • Learning Space - VyOS - Firewall (all three parts), Suggested due date 15 th. october)
  • Learning Space - Monitoring
  • Learning Space - HTTPS Security, Suggested due date, after completion of i-tee LAB123 (DNS,DHCP,NTP) and BEFORE start oh LAB456
  • Learning Space - Linux troubleshooting (suggested to do ASAP, helps to finis labs quicker)

If those LABs are not available when you log to e-lab environment, inform Lecturer immediately.


LABS ARE MANDATORY Those labs are done it Labnet ENV [3]