I803 IT Infrastructure services
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I803 IT Infrastructure services
Andres Septer >> andres (.) septer (ät) itcollege (.) ee
form of graduation
Comprehensive examination, ECTS 6
- Lectures (I explain stuff)
- Excercises – practical tasks with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. Practicing themes discussed in lectures.
- Labs – same as exercises, except no step-by-step instructions. You have to find all the necessary information by yourself (Though there is some hints) and solve the problems independedly.
- You do series of labs and present them to lecturer.
- All labs have minimum achievements that MUST be met.
- All labs are mandatory (at least minimum level)
- All labs must be ready at due date
- Lab minimums sum up as 50 points. You need at least one additional point to get graded.
- Additionally you you have to do one 5-minute presentation about IT Infra
- You will be teamed up by lecturer.
- Team size will depend on how many people attends to course in given year.
- Team members are chosen randomly.
Your task explained
Updated soon
- Basic understanding how OS and services work
- Basic Linux shell experience
- Basic understanding how TCP/IP networking works
We DO repeat some (critical) stuff you learned previously (but not all)
Topics covered
- Introduction. Seminar: IT Infrastructure and it's components.
- core services: DHCP, DNS, NTP jms.
- web services (from Infra admin point of view)
- Documenting
- Backup and Archive
- Monitoring and log aggregation
- Redundancy and high availability
- Automation
- Virtualization
- Additional themes may add up