Windows Small Business Server

Windows Small Business Server
Windows Small Business Server (SBS) (algselt, siis Microsoft Small Business Server) on integreeritud Microsofti server, mis on loodud jooksutamaks veebi infrastuktuure (intraneti haldus kui ka interneti sissepääs) mõeldud nii väiksematele kui ka veidi suurtematele ettevõtetele, kus tööjaamade või kasutajate arv jääb alla 75. Serveri rakendused on kindlalt integreeritud, et lubada väike ettevõtetel kasutada suunatud lahendusi, nagu näiteks Remote Web Workplace, veel pakutakse integreeritud häälestuse ja laiendatud monitooringu võimalusi.
Windows Small Business Server ei ole tegelikult Windows Serveri operatsioonisüsteemi väljaanne, vaid rohkem nagu tehnoloogia mis on kohandatud just nimelt väike ettevõtetele. Seda tõestab ka see, et serveri rakendused ei ole lihtsalt niisama puntras koos operatsioonisüsteemiga vaid on integreeritud otse opertastioonisüsteemi sisse.
Windows Serveri Väljaanded
Windows Small Business Server on saadaval nii Standard kui ka Premium versioonina. Mõlemad versioonid baseeruvad Windows Serveri koodil ja sisaldavad Microsoft Exchange Server maili serverit, Internet Information Services (IIS) veebi serverit, Windows SharePoint Services, Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 e-maili klienti (2008 versioonis seda lisa enam kaasas ei ole), Routing and Remote Access Service, Windows Server Update Services mis võimaldab serverit uuendada üle veebi ja ka Fax server.Kuni Small Busniess Server 2003, oli Preemium versioonis kaasas ka Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Internet Security ja Acceleration Server veel oli kaasas ka Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003.Small Business Server 2008 Preemiumis ei ole kaasas ISA Server, küll aga on kaasas Windows Server 2008 litsents ja SQL Server 2008 mis on mõeldud jooksutamaks teist serverit.
Windows Serveri versioon, mis on osa Small Business Server 2008'st ja Essential Business Server 2008'st,tuntud ka kui Windows Server 2008 for Windows Essential Server Solutions on kättesaadav ka ilma komplektita,lubades kuni 15 Client Access Litsentsi.
Esialgne Small Business Server turustati koos Microsoft BackOffice Server. Kui Windows 2000 väljalasti,turustati seda kui Microsoft Small Business Server 2005,ning lõpuks nimetati ümber kui Windows Server 2003 family. Microsoft on tutvustanud ka Windows Essential Business Serverit mis on eelkõige mõeldud keskmise suurusega firmadele.
Windows Small Business Server 2011
Windows Small Business Server 2011 on saadaval kahes väljaandes, Essentials(peaks turule tulema 2011 aasta esimesel poolel) ja Standard. Mõlemad põhinevad Windows Server 2008 R2 tehnoloogial.
Essentials ja Standard võrdlus
Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard nõuded riistvarale
'*' Täna (30.03.2011) on saadaval SBS 2011 Standard verisoon. SBS 2011 Essentials versioon peaks tulema millalgi 2011 aasta esimesel poolel.
'**' Hyper-V roll ei ole kasutatav SBS 2011 Standard or Essentials versioonidega, kui ei ole lisaks paigaldatud Small Business Server 2011 Premium Add-on.
Windows Small Business Server 2011 Premium Add-on
Windows Small Business Server 2011 Premium Add-on on laienduspaket, mis võmaldab Essentials ja Standard paketile lisavõimalusi. SBS 2011 Premimum Add-on võimaldab paindlikult ja säästlikult lisa serveri paigaldamist SBS 2011 võrku sest SBS Premium Add-on sisaldab lisa litsentsi SBS Standard tarkvarale. Lisaks sisaldab Premium Add-on veel: SQL Server 2008 R2,Hyper-V virtualiseerimist ja veel nii mõndagi muud mida Standard ja Essential ei sisalda.
Versioonid ja väljalaske aastad
- October 22, 1997 – BackOffice Small Business Server 4.0 (codenamed Sam)
based on Windows NT Server 4.0 SP3 and includes Exchange Server 5.0 SP1, IIS 3.0, SQL Server 6.5 SP3, Proxy Server 1.0, Internet Explorer 3.02 or 4.01, and Outlook 97; allows 25 client licenses.
- May 24, 1999 – BackOffice Small Business Server 4.5 (codenamed Horton)
based on Windows NT Server 4.0 SP4 and includes Exchange Server 5.5 SP2, IIS 4.0, SQL Server 7.0, Proxy Server 2.0, Internet Explorer 5.0, Outlook 2000, and FrontPage 2000; allows 50 client licenses.
- February 21, 2001 – Microsoft Small Business Server 2000
based on Windows 2000 Server (including Internet Explorer 5.0 and IIS 5.0) and includes Exchange 2000 Server, SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition, Internet Security & Acceleration Server 2000, Outlook 2000 and FrontPage 2000; allows 50 client licenses.
- October 9, 2003 – Windows Small Business Server 2003 (codenamed Bobcat)
based on Windows Server 2003 and includes Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, Microsoft Outlook 2003, Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, and optionally Microsoft SQL Server 2000, ISA Server 2000 (upgrade to ISA Server 2004 in Small Business Server Premium SP1), and Microsoft FrontPage 2003 in Premium edition; allows 75 client licenses. Service Pack 1 for Windows Small Business Server 2003 was released on July 25, 2005.
- July 29, 2006 - Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2
based on Windows Server 2003 R2 and includes Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, Microsoft Outlook 2003, Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, and optionally Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition, ISA Server 2004, and Microsoft FrontPage 2003 in Premium edition; allows 75 client licenses. A major addition is a built-in patch management solution optimized for small businesses, based on Microsoft Windows Server Update Services. Exchange database size limit is set to 18 GB by default but can be expanded to 75 GB using a registry key.
- August 21, 2008 - Windows Small Business Server 2008 (codenamed Cougar)
based on Windows Server 2008 and includes Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and 120-day trial subscriptions of new security products from Microsoft, namely, Forefront Security for Exchange and Windows Live OneCare for Server.The standard edition of SBS 2008 will be a single server solution for small businesses. The premium edition will contain a license for Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition, with the option to run SQL Server on either the main SBS server, or a second server. The premium edition will therefore be targeted at dual-server scenarios such as terminal services application sharing, Line of Business applications, edge security, secondary domain controllers, and virtualization.In addition to features present in previous versions, new features include:
- A streamlined administration and management console that is designed around tasks to be accomplished rather than underlying technologies
- Built-in support for registering and configuring domain name and DNS records via multiple registrars
- Monitoring reports that gather data from both servers and clients on the network, including Security Center status (anti-virus, spyware, and client firewall) from all the clients
- New features in the Remote Web Workplace, such as the ability to define default and allowed PCs for each user
- Office Live Small Business integration for and configuring a public web site or extranet
- New server backup features, based on the incremental block-based backup technology in Windows Server 2008 (tape backup no longer supported via native tools, but continues to be supported via 3rd parties)
- SBS 2008 requires installation behind a separate network firewall device. In contrast with SBS 2003, it does not support being installed directly on the edge of the network, ISA Server is no longer bundled and dual-NIC configuration is not possible.
SBS 2008 was released to manufacturing on August 21st, 2008 and was launched on November 12th, 2008.Windows Small Business Server 2008 supports organizations with up to 75 users or devices.
- December 2010 - Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard and Windows Small Business Server 2011 Premium
- Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials will be released 2011 first half
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