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Kasutades arvutil kahte või rohkemat operatsioonisüsteemi, olete kindlasti tuttav alglaaduriga, mis kuvab teile võimalused, millist operatsioonisüsteemi te soovite kasutada. Alglaadur, mis tuleb Ubuntu operatsioonisüsteemi paigaldamisega, nimetatakse GRUB-iks. Nii kasulik kui see ka poleks, on GRUB-i puhul tegemist tekstipõhise liidesega, ning kuigi paljudele see sobib, on BURGI näol võimalik kuvada ilusat ning graafilist liidest.

BURG ehk "Brand-new Universal loadeR from GRUB." on graafiline kasutajaliides, mis on täiendus tekstipõhisele alglaadurile GRUB 2.Allpool on vaatluse alla võetud BURG-i paigaldamine läbi CLI(command-line interface) ning samuti ka uuem ning lihtsam võimalus, kasutades programmi "Burg-Manager".


Antud õpetus on koostatud kasutades UBUNTU 11.04 versiooni. Selleks, et paigaldada BURG-i graafiline kasutajaliides...

Programmi võimalused ja piirangud

BURG-i paigaldamine kasutades programmi "Burg-Manager"

NB! Enne BURG-i paigaldamist veenduge, et teil on tehtud tagavara koopia failidest, mida te kaotada ei taha,vaadake läbi eeldused/nõuded BURGI paigaldamiseks ning kindlasti lugege läbi ka BURG-i eemaldamise osa.

Enne kui saame alustada BURG-i paigaldamisega, peame esmalt paigaldama programmi BURG-manager. Selleks peame lisama rea


  • /etc/apt/sources.list.

Kõige lihtsam viis antud rea lisamiseks, on avada terminal ning kirjutada sinna:

echo "deb http://www.sourceslist.eu/repo/ubuntu lucid main non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

Järgnevalt tõmbame ning paigaldame programmi "Burg-Manager":

Selleks kirjutame terminali käsureale:

wget http://www.sourceslist.eu/?download=public.key -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Burg-Manager on nüüd arvutile paigaldatud ning sellega on ka raskem osa BURG-i paigaldamisest tehtud. Järgmiseks avage Burg-Manager:

  • Applications->System Tools->BURG-manager.

Seejärel sisestage parool, millega lubate Burg-Manageril teie arvutisse BURG-i paigaldada , ning valige teile sobiv keel. Teile avaneb programm "Burg-Manager", ning teile kuvatakse 6 tab-i. Meid huvitab antud hetkel 3 esimest Tab-i: BURG-installer, Preferences ja Themes installer. Remove BURG tab-i käsitleme Burgi eemaldamise alapeatükis.

Esmalt minge..

Open up BURG-manager by going into Applications->System Tools->BURG-manager. Select you language and enter your password. First thing to do is to select the correct hard drive. /dev/sda in most cases is usually the right drive. Click on "BURG Install", you can't miss it. Next open up a terminal (while keeping BURG-manager open) and enter this to ensure BURG can see all your boot opions and operating systems:

? 1 sudo update-burg

My favorite theme :) Reboot and you should now see the new interface. To shorten reduce the number of options, press "F" and all the recovery and kernel options for Ubuntu/Linux should disappear until you press "F" again.

BURG-i paigaldamine läbi CLI

Wubi install

If you install ubuntu using wubi, follow steps in this section. Otherwise, jump to the next section.

First, download the latest burg_wubi package from the download area, and extract to C:\ubuntu\ directory.

To enable graphic menu, download the latest burg-themes package from download area, and extract to C:\ubuntu\burg\ directory.

Then, copy C:\ubuntu\burg\wubildr to C:\ and overwrite the old file.

That's it, it will display BURG menu next time you start wubi from NT loader.

To restore the original loader, just copy C:\ubuntu\winboot\wubildr to C:\.

BTW, you may notice that all OS uses the unknown icon, this is because wubildr rely on /boot/grub/grub.cfg to add menu items, but grub.cfg don't have the --class option which is required to display OS icon properly. This is easy to fix. Login ubuntu, copy 10_lupin and 30_os-prober from /host/ubuntu/burg/ directory to /etc/grub.d/, then run update-grub to generate a new grub.cfg. Normal install

Here are the steps to install BURG using PPA package from launchpad.

1. Insert these lines to /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bean123ch/burg/ubuntu lucid main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/bean123ch/burg/ubuntu lucid main

You should replace lucid with the correct code name. Currently the following release are supported: jaunty (9.04), karmic (9.10), lucid (10.04), maverick (10.10).

And install burg and related themes using these commands:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install burg

If you want to avoid the warning about unknown signature, use these commands to import it:

gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 55708F1EE06803C5 gpg --export --armor 55708F1EE06803C5 | sudo apt-key add -

Then, install burg to MBR with the following command:

sudo burg-install /dev/sda sudo update-burg

Change hd0 if you want to install to other disk.

2. Edit configuration file /etc/default/burg

For the latest version, you don't need to modify /etc/default/burg at all. If you upgrade from previous version, it's recommended to change the setting of GRUB_THEME and GRUB_FOLD to:


This allows you to change theme and folding options dynamically.

Here are the hot-keys defined in the boot menu:

   t - Open theme selection menu
   f - Toggle between folding mode
   n - Jump to the next item with the same class
   w - Jump to the next Windows item
   u - Jump to the next Ubuntu item
   e - Edit the command of current boot item
   c - Open a terminal window
   2 - Open two terminal windows
   h - Display help dialog (only available in sora theme)
   i - Display about dialog (only available in sora theme)
   q - Return to old grub menu
   F5/ctrl-x - Finish edit
   F6 - Switch window in dual terminal mode
   F7 - List the folded boot items
   F8 - Toggle between graphic and text mode
   F9 - shutdown
   F10 - reboot
   ESC - quit from the current popup menu or dialog. 

Since 20100309 version, burg also supports grub2 theme. To try it, set GRUB_THEME to the name of the theme file, and run update-burg. Currently only one grub2 theme is available in burg-themes package:


Screenshots: Screenshots

3. Live preview themes in host OS

To preview the current configuration, use this command:

sudo burg-emu

grub2 theme needs to access disk directly, to preview it, you need to add -D option:

sudo burg-emu -D

4. Troubleshooting

If you encounter issue with BURG, try the tips in Troubleshooting

BURG-i eemaldamine

Võrdlus teiste programmidega

Isiklik arvamus

Kasutatud kirjandus

Jaan Vahtre