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Valmimas 2013



dpkg-divert on tööriist millega saab üles seada ja uuendada suunamiste nimistut.

Failide suunamine on viis kuidas sundida pakihaldussüsteemi dpkg, mitte installeerima faile nende vaikesätetes seadistatud asukohta, vaid suunama kasutaja määratud asukohta. Suunamisi saab seada üles nii, et nad hakkavad toimima konfliktide korral ja süsteemi administraatoritel on võimalik neid üles seada ka muudel põhjustel.


dpkg-divert   [valik...]   käsk


--add file

Add a diversion for file.

--remove file

Remove a diversion for file.

--list glob-pattern

List diversions matching glob-pattern.

--listpackage file

Print the name of the package that diverts file. Prints LOCAL if file is locally diverted and nothing if file is not diverted.

--truename file

Print the real name for a diverted file.


--admindir directory

Set the dpkg data directory to directory (default: /var/lib/dpkg)

--divert divert-to

divert-to is the location where the versions of file, as pro-vided by other packages, will be diverted.


Specifies that all packages' versions of this file are diverted. This means, that there are no exceptions, and whatever package is installed, the file is diverted. This can be used by an admin to install a locally modified version.

--package package

package is the name of a package whose copy of file will not be diverted. i.e. file will be diverted for all packages except package.


Quiet mode, i.e. no verbose output.


Actually move the file aside (or back). dpkg-divert will abort operation in case the destination file already exists.


Test mode, i.e. don't actually perform any changes, just demon-strate.

-?, --help

Show the usage message and exit.


Show the version and exit.


dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/example.foo --rename /usr/bin/example

To divert all copies of a /usr/bin/example to /usr/bin/example.foo, i.e. directs all packages providing /usr/bin/example to install it as /usr/bin/example.foo, performing the rename if required:

dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/bin/example

To remove that diversion:

dpkg-divert --package wibble --divert /usr/bin/example.foo --rename /usr/bin/example

To divert any package trying to install /usr/bin/example to /usr/bin/example.foo, except your own wibble package:

dpkg-divert --package wibble --rename --remove /usr/bin/example

To remove that diversion:


Valmimas 2013


  1. http://manpages.debian.net/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=dpkg-divert
  2. http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ap-pkg-diversions.html
  3. https://wiki.debian.org/Adding%20and%20removing%20diversions
  4. https://www.debian-administration.org/articles/118
  5. http://www.debianadmin.com/manpages/dpkgmanpage.htm
  6. https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/dpkg.html