Intensive Learning Week

English homepage for Estonian IT Colleges 2012 Intensive Learning Week.
The main objective of this week is to create an opportunity for the students to try their knowledge and skills in solving actual tasks which presume implementation of knowledge and skills of several different subjects. During these 5 days, teams with 3-6 members are solving the issues closely related to their specialties which will result in development of functioning prototype-solution.
The week is mainly intended for IT College's second year daytime study students, but it is not limited to them. IT students of other higher educational institutions in Estonia as well a neighboring countries can also take part in it.
In 2012 the week will be form 26th of March until 30th of March. We will start March 26th at 10:00.
Public presentation of finished works takes place on March 29th at 15:00. Recording of presentation.
Benefits for students
Students have said that they would like more assignments what are more practical and related to real-life problems. Therefore we offer a week there they can put into good use the knowledge what they have solving real assignments. Student gets:
- International team-work experience
- Real assignment solving experience (real client, solid deadline
- Honest evaluation of skills and knowledge
- Chance to work on tight schedule
- Nice line in CV and nice solution what can be shown in interviews
Assignment proposals from teachers
Teachers and groups workload information system
- Proposed by and additional information: Heiki Tähis, +372 56 957 000
School needs to manage teachers workloads, courses thought by teachers and relations between teachers and courses. In curricula there are many courses what can be thought by one or many teachers and in many semesters.
At the moment everything is done in very complicated Excel table.
Teachers qualification and continuing education courses management system
- Proposed by and additional information: Heiki Tähis, +372 56 957 000
School needs to keep track teachers qualification and what courses they have taken. More information from Heiki.
Computer classes Linux system image upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Proposed by and additional information: Margus Ernits MediaWiki update and plugins selection and testing
- Proposed by and additional information: Margus Ernits
Development version of Study Information System penetration testing
- Proposed by and additional information: Margus Ernits
Accessible IT solution for patients of Tallinn Hospice
- Proposed by: Kaido Kikkas
- Additional information: Indrek Rokk (as Kakk is at the time in Portugal)
Tallinn Hospice ( is a palliative care hospital in Tallinn focusing on improving the quality of life for people
with terminal illness as long as possible.
By today, IT has been a household word for a lot of people for decades already and an increasing number of patients having grown up with computers wish to continue their use in hospital (e.g. connecting to their friends or relatives over Skype). Thus the aim of this project is to design a solution which enables patients to use common IT solutions (e.g. chat, listen to music or watch videos, read news from the web) from their beds.
- The solution should be usable also for people with lessening movement abilities and/or coordination
- The solution should scale with the user's skill level - the basic functions should be very simple, yet it should allow more advanced use as well
- If external, wall-mounted components are used (e.g. external display), these should allow turning the bed (i.e. facing the opposite direction).
The goal is to create a full specification, preferably with all the documentation necessary.
A possible starting point
Use the Asus EeePad Transformer connected to an external, wall-mounted monitor. It would allow the solution to be used as - a laptop (the pad attached to the dock) - a tablet (using the detached pad - implies fine motor skills from the user) - a desktop (using the dock paired with the external monitor)
In addition, a suitable set of software applications should be chosen.
Assignment proposals from companies
Additional information: Indrek Rokk
Automatic network connection configuration for connecting into different networks
Configure computer which has 3G, Wifi, Ethernet-over-Powerline ja Ethernet ports and operating system Ubuntu Linux. Network connection will change based on priority and if higher priority networks aren't available. Priorities Ethernet:1; EoP:2; Wifi:3; 3G:4. Create simple application for Android phone which will allow over Bluetooth configure and manage connection. Application should allow viewing connections history.
Creating network connection to (internal)network with secure management tunnel
Create/Configure Linux based computer with what you can connect to any (internal)network (for example NAT and only HTTP and HTTPS connections to outside world) and creates automatically secure (encrypted, using ID Card certificates if they are in the computer or using MobiiliID test-SIM certificates) management tunnel with server in the Internet. Limitation: through the tunnel goes only server initialized management traffic. All other traffic should go through the usual network. Server has to be easily manageable (view all the computers, administer public keys, view active connections) and allows to create connection through web interface.
SmartCard driver for Linux and iPhone
Create Linux and iPhone drivers for SmartCard which is available as Micro SD card. Devices and Android drivers will be provided.
Java application for opening web page in the presence of Bluetooh connection
Java application what will display list of all the Bluetooth devices in the range. If application finds new bluetooth device, it will send command to the device to open the web page over regular data connection. No PIN for device pairing or default PIN '0000' is used.
Disabled parking control application
Develop application what allows distant check of parking card authenticity and connection to the person. Parking card is used for free parking and is tied to one person who can use any car for doings. In theory card should not be transferable to any other person. Free parking is allowed at the time in one place. Analyze the problem, propose fool-proof solution and deploy it.
Androidile live image analyzer using OpenCV
You can choose complexity of the image analyzer for android OpenCV by yourself: a) identify the red ball and draw a line of balls route in to the cameras image output. b) "Hunter Game Hunter" - find a rubber ducky from live feed and automatically shoot at to kill. For a dead duck user will get points. c) read front cars license plate and show it as a text in application.
Telephones should be powerful enough to do image analysis and OpenCV can be used on Android phones. Assignments main task is to validate previous sentence.
Teams and their assignments
Lithuanian team
Assignment: Accessible IT solution for patients of Tallinn Hospice
- Vilius Nedzveckas
- Kęstutis Tautvydas