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Hotspot is a WIFI access-point, meant for public internet access. It has a [ '''Captive portal'''] webpage, which authenticates new users and grants them access to world-wide-web after authorization requests have been fulfilled.
Hotspot is a WIFI access-point, meant for public internet access. It has a [ '''Captive portal'''] webpage, which authenticates new users and grants them access to world-wide-web after authorization requests have been fulfilled.

=Kuidas hotspot töötab?=
=How does Hotspot Work?=

Wifi kasutajad ühenduvad wireless võrku seda toetava seadmega, millel on veebibrauser. Edasi suunatakse nad automaatselt hotspoti veebilehele, mida kutsutakse captive portaliks. Suunamine on saavutatud captive portali tarkvaraga, mis paikneb otse wifi ruuteris või selle lähedal arvutis. pakub teenusena hotspot portaali, mis tagab selle, et kasutaja idantifitseeritakse ning suunatakse juurdepääsupoliitika lehele. Kui see on tehtud siis saadab sõnumi access pointile, et luua kliendile ühendus internetiga(üldjuhu mõnede piirangutega nagu kasutamise aeg, andmemaht või kiirus).
WIFI users connect to a wireless network with any device supporting a web browser. They will be automatically forwarded to the Hotspot's webpage called [ '''Captive portal''']. Forwarding is accomplished with the captive portals own software, whis is located either on the Router itself or in a nearby computer. For example offers a service for a Hotspot portal that authenticates and identifies the user and checks if the access policy's are met. After that the sends a message back to the access point granting access to the world wide web(may also have restrictions applied eg. durqation of connection, volume of data).

=Kuidas panna püsti hotspot?=
=How to setup Hotspot?=

Hotspoti tegemine on väga lihtne ning täiesti tasuta. Näitena on hotspoti haldamis portaal ühilduv vabavaraliste captive portal tarkvaradega, mis töötavad linuxi platvormilistel ruuteritel või arvutitel. Enim soovitatav lahendus on installida CoovaAp nimeline tarkvara seda toetavale ruuterile, sest see on kasutajasõbralik ja paljude lisafunktsioonidega ning chillispot captive portali toega. Coova automaatse hotspoti konfigureerimise saad sa teha ühtegi konsooli käsku kirjutamata, kasutades vaid veebiliidest.
Setting up an hotspot is easy and free. For example managing portal is compatible with open source softwares that work on Linux routers and computers. MOst recommended option is to install CoovaAp software to a supported router, because of the user-friendly interface, many powerful features and Chillispot captive portal support. Configuring a Coova can be done automatically without using a single console line command and only using a web interface. Alternatively you could install a DD-WRT free software, that is an older version of a Chillispot, but better compatibility with more devices. Below you can find a guide do configure a DD-WRT hotspot.  
Alternatiivina võid sa installida DD-WRT tasuta tarkvara, millel on natuke vanem versioon chillispotist, kuid parem ühilduvus erinevate riistvaradega. Allpool samal lehel juhend DD-WRT hotspoti seadistamiseks.
If you think you are proficient enough, you could use a chillispot with every other Linux software, eg. OpenWRT or Linux pc.  
Kui sa arvad, et oled piisavalt osav, võid sa kasutada chillispoti iga teise linuxi tarkvaraga nagu openwrt või linuxi PC-ga.
After you have installed a Chillispot, you just register, open validation email, and create your own hotspot just by giving it a name.  
Siis kui oled chillispoti installinud, lihtsalt registreeri, ava valideerimise e-mail, ning loo oma hotspot, andes sellele lihtsalt nime.
When hotspot has been created, open the "display config info" and change your chillispot device.  
Kui hotspot on loodud, vajuta "display config info" ja muuda vastavalt chillispoti seadeid.  
Dont forget to Configure you hotspot and creating your own access profile.  
Ära unusta seadistamast oma hotspoti ning loomast ligipääsu profiili.
Then reboot the router and you should be able to connect to your hotspot and test it.
Seejärel tee ruuterile reboot ning peaksidki olema valmis oma hotspotiga ühendumiseks ja selle testimiseks. võimalused= features=

Sul ei ole vaja tegeleda keeruka radius serveri ja veebiserveri seadistamisega.Sinu hotspot töötab autonoomselt odavas wifi ruuteris mis on ühenduses internetiga.
You are not required to setup a complicated radius server or a web server. Your hotspot can work autonomous in a cheap wifi router that is connected to the internet.  
Kui su hotspot on seadistatud siis edaspidine haldamine toimub vaid internetis ning sa ei vaja füüsilist juurdepääsu ruuterile.
If your hotspot is configured, then managing can be done over the internet and you dont need physical access to the router.  
==Hotspoti haldamise võimalused==
*Wysiwyg hotspoti avalehe sõnumisse piltide ning flashi üleslaadimise võimalus.
*Wysiwyg pääsupileti kujundamine.
*Wysiwyg avalehe kujundamine.
*Maksmine internetis krediitkaardiga Paypali vahendusel:
**Sina valid hinna
**Turu parima pakkumisena sinule 75% tulust
**Otsemaksmine sinu paypal kontole, ootamata suurema summa kogunemist
*Võid teha mitmeid pääsuprofiile ja neil erinevaid hindu kasutada.
*Keerulisemad pääsu seaded mida profiilidele saad rakendada:
**interneti kasutamise aja piir
**piir üles/alla laetud andmete mahule
**maksimaalne üles/alla laadimise suhe
**limiidi reset aeg, mis lubab kasutajale määrata päevas ühe tunni kasutamist või 1Gb allalaadimist tunnis jpm
*mitme hotspoti haldus
*hotspoti ühenduste ajalugu
*hotspotide vahelised sünkroniseeringud kasutaja pääsuõiguste kontrollis
*Mac aadresside põhine pääsukontroll browserita seadmetele.
*E-maili valideeringu nõue enne pileti kasutamist.

=CoovaAP tarkvara kasutava hotspoti automaatne seadistamine=
==Hotspot management features==
*Wysiwyg hotspot welcome message edition with image and flash uploads.
*Wysiwyg tickets customization and printing
*Wysiwyg full welcome page customization
*Online automatic payment with credit card through Paypal:
**You choose your own prices
**Revenue sharing with the highest revenue share of the market: 75% for you!
**Direct payment from your users into your paypal account. No minimal revenue to wait for to receive your money.
*There can be multiple access profiles and prices the user can choose.
*Advanced access profiles features. There can be limitations set by the hotspot owner. These are valid over multiple connections.
**Total connection time allowed.
**Total upload/download volume allowed.
**Maximum upload/download rate.
**Limitation reset time, that will limit a user to 1hour a day connection or limit downloading to 1Gb in an hour.
*Multiple hotspots management.
*Connection history for all hotspots.
*Synchronization between all the hotpsots to validate users access rights.
*MAC address based accessiibilty for devices without a web-browser.
*E-mail validation requirement before using a ticket.

WorldSpot on ühilduv CoovaAp tarkvara automaatse hotspoti seadistamissüsteemiga. CoovaAP on tehtud openwrt haru "white russian" põhjale.
=Automated configuration of a device with CoovaAP software=

*Esiteks jälgi CoovaAP installeerimis protseduuri
Worldspot is compatible with [ '''CoovaAP'''] softwares automated hotspot configurations system. CoovaAP is based on a WhiteRussian fork of [ '''Openwrt'''].
*Kui CoovaAP tarkvara on paigaldatud ja wifi töötab ilma paroolideta, mine hotspot-->configuration
*Hotspoti tüübiks vali "Chillispot UAM"
*Automaatses seadistamises vali "Web url"
*Veebi seadistamise URLi kohale paste järgnev URL:<hotspotiNimi>&pass=<SinuAccountiParool>
(asenda kantsulgudes info WorldSpoti infoga <...>)
*Jäta märkimata "config name" ja "config password"
*"config interval" muuda 3600
*Salvesta muudatused
*Kui kõik muudatused on tehtud, siis vajuta "config changes pending" (paremal ülal),ning apply changes
*Oota mõningast aega ja su hotspot peaks olema töökorras

=DD-WRT seadistamine=  
*Complete the CoovaAP installation.(example guide. [ '''''']).
*After installation, when WIFI is working without passwords, go to Hotspot --> Configuration
*Hotspot type is "Chillispot UAM"
*Automated configuration choose "Web url"
*for the url paste: <nowiki><HotspotiName>&pass=<YourAccountiPAssword> </nowiki>replacing the <...> with your own details.
* Disregard "config name" and "Config password".
* Change "Config interval" to "3600".
* Save changes.
* After saving, press "config changes pending" and "apply changes".
* wait for a while for changes to take place, hotspot should be configured.

Peale seda kui su ruuter on saanud uue tarkvara:
=Setting up DD-WRT=

*Ühenda interneti kaabel ruuteri WAN porti sest LAN porti ühendades hotspot tööle ei hakka
After installing new firmware on the router. [ '''Guide to Install Firmware''']
*Ühenda arvuti LAN porti ja lase tal DHCP-ga saada ip
*nüüd peaksid ruuterisse veebi kaudu ligi pääsema
*Connect internet cable to WAN port. Since Hotspot wont start when connected to LAN port.
( (login: root, password: admin)
* Connect PC to LAN port to acquire ip with DHCP
*Proovi kas saad ühenduse internetiga oma arvutist, kui mitte, muuda interneti seadeid
* Now you should be able to go to routers web-interface <nowiki>( login: root Password: admin).</nowiki>
**kui su olemasolev ruuter on sama aadressiga mis hotspoti ruuteril(192.168.1.x), siis muuda ruuteri ip (näiteks
* Test if you can connect to world wide web with PC. If not reconfigure your Internet settings.
*Nüüd kui su internet töötab siis seadista wireless, ilma paroolita.
**If your router has the same IP-address as the Hotspot (192.168.1.x), then change your routers IP-address(for example
*Kontrolli, et pääsed wifi võrgust internetti
* IF you have connectivity with world wide web, configure the wireless without a password.
*Kui kõik töötab, luba chillispot järgnevate seadistustega
* Check connectivity through WIFI.
* IF ok, configure Chillispot in Administration/Hotspot/Chillispot:
**enable chillispot
** enable Chillispot
**enable "Separate wifi from the lan bridge": See lubab su LAN ühenduse läbi ilma chillispotita ja su LAN on kaitstud wifi kasutajate eest.
** enable "Separate wifi from the LAN bridge": this will give access to LAN without Chillispot and protects you from WIFI users.
**DHCP interface'ks vali WLAN
** for "DHCP Interface" choose WLAN.
**Pane Radius server 1 ip aadressiks oma Radius serveri ip
** Set "Radius server 1" IP-address to your own Radius servers IP.
**Pane Radius server 2 ip aadressiks oma teise Radius serveri ip või nullid kui seda pole
** Set "Radius server 2" IP-address to your second Radius servers IP, or quad-zero if it doesnt exist.
**Pane DNS serveri aadressi kohale DNS serveri aadress
** Set "DNS Server" with the address of the DNS server.
**Shared key kohale kirjuta oma radius parool
** Set "Shared Key" to your Radius password.
**Radius NASID on sinu hotspati radiuse nimi
** "Radius NASID" is your hotspot Radius name.
**Redirect URL on Uam serveri aadress ehk veebi authoriseerimise portaal
** "Redirect URL" is a UAM server, or the web authorization portal.
**UAM Secret on salajane paroor Redirect URL-i ja hotspoti vahelised
** "UAM Secret" is a password between the Redirect URL and the Hotspot.
**UAM Allowed on nimekiri lehekülgedest mida saavad authoriseerimata kasutajad külastada.
** "UAM Allowed" is a list of websites that unauthenticated users are allowed to access.
*Salvesta seaded ja tee ruuterile reboot
=Reference Material=

=Kasutatud allikad=

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=Created by=
'''Siim Soe''' A22
'''Siim Soe''' A22
[[Category:Traadita side alused]]
==Translated to english by==
Translated from []
'''Sander Valgo''' C11
[[Category:Operatsioonisüsteemide administreerimine ja sidumine]]

Latest revision as of 23:45, 8 May 2017

Translation of page [1]

What is Hotspot?

Hotspot is a WIFI access-point, meant for public internet access. It has a Captive portal webpage, which authenticates new users and grants them access to world-wide-web after authorization requests have been fulfilled.

How does Hotspot Work?

WIFI users connect to a wireless network with any device supporting a web browser. They will be automatically forwarded to the Hotspot's webpage called Captive portal. Forwarding is accomplished with the captive portals own software, whis is located either on the Router itself or in a nearby computer. For example offers a service for a Hotspot portal that authenticates and identifies the user and checks if the access policy's are met. After that the sends a message back to the access point granting access to the world wide web(may also have restrictions applied eg. durqation of connection, volume of data).

How to setup Hotspot?

Setting up an hotspot is easy and free. For example managing portal is compatible with open source softwares that work on Linux routers and computers. MOst recommended option is to install CoovaAp software to a supported router, because of the user-friendly interface, many powerful features and Chillispot captive portal support. Configuring a Coova can be done automatically without using a single console line command and only using a web interface. Alternatively you could install a DD-WRT free software, that is an older version of a Chillispot, but better compatibility with more devices. Below you can find a guide do configure a DD-WRT hotspot. If you think you are proficient enough, you could use a chillispot with every other Linux software, eg. OpenWRT or Linux pc. After you have installed a Chillispot, you just register, open validation email, and create your own hotspot just by giving it a name. When hotspot has been created, open the "display config info" and change your chillispot device. Dont forget to Configure you hotspot and creating your own access profile. Then reboot the router and you should be able to connect to your hotspot and test it. features

You are not required to setup a complicated radius server or a web server. Your hotspot can work autonomous in a cheap wifi router that is connected to the internet. If your hotspot is configured, then managing can be done over the internet and you dont need physical access to the router.

Hotspot management features

  • Wysiwyg hotspot welcome message edition with image and flash uploads.
  • Wysiwyg tickets customization and printing
  • Wysiwyg full welcome page customization
  • Online automatic payment with credit card through Paypal:
    • You choose your own prices
    • Revenue sharing with the highest revenue share of the market: 75% for you!
    • Direct payment from your users into your paypal account. No minimal revenue to wait for to receive your money.
  • There can be multiple access profiles and prices the user can choose.
  • Advanced access profiles features. There can be limitations set by the hotspot owner. These are valid over multiple connections.
    • Total connection time allowed.
    • Total upload/download volume allowed.
    • Maximum upload/download rate.
    • Limitation reset time, that will limit a user to 1hour a day connection or limit downloading to 1Gb in an hour.
  • Multiple hotspots management.
  • Connection history for all hotspots.
  • Synchronization between all the hotpsots to validate users access rights.
  • MAC address based accessiibilty for devices without a web-browser.
  • E-mail validation requirement before using a ticket.

Automated configuration of a device with CoovaAP software

Worldspot is compatible with CoovaAP softwares automated hotspot configurations system. CoovaAP is based on a WhiteRussian fork of Openwrt.

  • Complete the CoovaAP installation.(example guide.
  • After installation, when WIFI is working without passwords, go to Hotspot --> Configuration
  • Hotspot type is "Chillispot UAM"
  • Automated configuration choose "Web url"
  • for the url paste:<HotspotiName>&pass=<YourAccountiPAssword> replacing the <...> with your own details.
  • Disregard "config name" and "Config password".
  • Change "Config interval" to "3600".
  • Save changes.
  • After saving, press "config changes pending" and "apply changes".
  • wait for a while for changes to take place, hotspot should be configured.

Setting up DD-WRT

After installing new firmware on the router. Guide to Install Firmware

  • Connect internet cable to WAN port. Since Hotspot wont start when connected to LAN port.
  • Connect PC to LAN port to acquire ip with DHCP
  • Now you should be able to go to routers web-interface ( login: root Password: admin).
  • Test if you can connect to world wide web with PC. If not reconfigure your Internet settings.
    • If your router has the same IP-address as the Hotspot (192.168.1.x), then change your routers IP-address(for example
  • IF you have connectivity with world wide web, configure the wireless without a password.
  • Check connectivity through WIFI.
  • IF ok, configure Chillispot in Administration/Hotspot/Chillispot:
    • enable Chillispot
    • enable "Separate wifi from the LAN bridge": this will give access to LAN without Chillispot and protects you from WIFI users.
    • for "DHCP Interface" choose WLAN.
    • Set "Radius server 1" IP-address to your own Radius servers IP.
    • Set "Radius server 2" IP-address to your second Radius servers IP, or quad-zero if it doesnt exist.
    • Set "DNS Server" with the address of the DNS server.
    • Set "Shared Key" to your Radius password.
    • "Radius NASID" is your hotspot Radius name.
    • "Redirect URL" is a UAM server, or the web authorization portal.
    • "UAM Secret" is a password between the Redirect URL and the Hotspot.
    • "UAM Allowed" is a list of websites that unauthenticated users are allowed to access.

Reference Material

Created by

Siim Soe A22

Translated to english by

Translated from [2]

Sander Valgo C11