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Teema on valmimisel


Date - käsuga saab masinalt küsida kellaaega ja kuupäeva. Administraator saab date käsu abil ka kuupäeva ja kellaaega muuta.

Date käsu kasutamine

Lihtsalt date käsk väljastab standard kujul aja: Päev Kuu Kuupäev kellaeg ajatsoon aasta

Tulemus: Sat Mar 19 15:22:48 EET 2011

Date käsu küsimine kindlate parameetritega

Date käsuga saab küsida masinalt soovitavat aega sobival kujul. $date käsule tuleb lisada string mis jääb " " vahele ja algab + märgiga. Parameetreid küsitakse kujul %esimene parameeter %teine parameeter. Parameetrite vahele saab valida eraldajaid.

Parameetritega käsu näide: küsitakse %päeva %kuud %aastat ja eraldajateks on . märgid
$date "+%d.%m.%y"
Tulemus: 19.03.11


Parameetrid (parameetrite string algab alati + märgiga)
Parameeter Kirjeldus Väärtus/Näide
%a Nädalapäev lühidalt {{#time: D}}
%A weekday, full Saturday
%d day of the month (dd), zero padded 01
%e day of the month (dd) 1
%j day of year, zero padded 001-366
%u day of week starting with Monday (1), i.e. mtwtfss {{#time: N}}
%w day of week starting with Sunday (0), i.e. smtwtfs {{#time: w}}
%U week number Sunday as first day of week 01–53
%W week number Monday as first day of week 01–53
%V week of the year 01–53
%m mm month 06
%h Mon Jun
%b Mon, locale's abbreviated Jun
%B locale's full month, variable length June
%y yy two digit year 00–99
%Y ccyy year {{#time: Y}}
%g 2-digit year corresponding to the %V week number
%G 4-digit year corresponding to the %V week number
%C cc century 00–99
%D mm/dd/yy 06/1/{{#time: y}}
%x locale's date representation (mm/dd/yy) 06/1/2024
%F %Y-%m-%d 2024-06-1
%l (Lowercase L) hour (12 hour clock) {{#time: g}}
%I (Uppercase I) hour (12 hour clock) zero padded {{#time: h}}
%k hour (24 hour clock) {{#time: G}}
%H hour (24 hour clock) zero padded {{#time: H}}
%p locale's upper case AM or PM (blank in many locales) {{#time: A}}
%P locale's lower case am or pm {{#time: a}}
%M MM minutes {{#time: i}}
%s seconds since 00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC (Unix epoch) {{#time: U}}
%S SS second 00–60
(The 60 is necessary to accommodate a leap second)
%N nanoseconds 000000000–999999999
%r hours, minutes, seconds (12-hour clock) {{#time: h:i:s A}}
%R hours, minutes (24 hour clock) hh:mm e.g. 12:29
%T hours, minutes, seconds (24-hour clock) {{#time: H:i:s}}
%X locale's time representation (%H:%M:%S)
Date and Time
%c locale's date and time Sat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989
Time zone
%z -zzzz RFC-822 style numeric timezone -0500
%Z time zone (e.g., EDT) nothing if no time zone is determinable EST