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===Sander Saarm's feedback===
===Sander Saarm's feedback===
I liked this and that. Didn't like.
* I liked the internationality in this course, because I found out so many friendly people from other countries (Lithuania, Greece and Finland). We had our good and bad times during these two weeks.
* I'm glad we also had different cultural activities. I had never been to TV Tower since the restoring and also the Plane Harbour was new and very interesting to me.
* I actually think we could have had a little more time to finish our project 100%, but we have made 90% in my oppinion, so it's pretty great.

===Panagiota Chatzi's feedback===
===Panagiota Chatzi's feedback===

Revision as of 16:25, 4 April 2013

Team page for ET.


  • Indrek Mitt, IT College
  • Sander Saarm, IT College
  • Panagiota Chatzi, T.E.I. of Crete, Department Of Applied Informatics And Multimedia
  • Nikolaos Karadimitriou, T.E.I. of Crete, Department Of Applied Informatics And Multimedia


  • Create an application for our client that is very effective and user friendly.
  • Choose right environment for the students, to upload exercises


Monday - 25.03.13

Things that we did that day

  • Learned about documentation and data mining
  • Programmed sumo robots
  • Got to know our team at welcome dinner in St. Patrick's

Tuesday - 26.03.13

Things that we did that day

  • Talked about our case and made sure everybody is on the same page
  • Put together a list of questions for our client
  • Thought of different solutions for our project
  • Seperated tasks between team members

Problems that we faced:

  • We didn't have enough information about our case
  • We wanted to use Moodle, but we didn't know if it's suitable for our project

Things that we plan to do:

  • Ask our mentor if Moodle environment suitable for our project
  • Prepared to speak to our client Priit Raspel

Wednesday - 27.03.13

Things that we did that day

  • Spoke to our clent Priit Raspel.
  • Learned about Moodle and installed it.

Problems that we faced:

  • We couldn't access installed Moodle on Sander's computer.
  • We needed a laptop with touchscreen.

Questions and answers from client (consultation)

  • The client explained his visions on the project, that were quite similar to our vision. So we didn't have many questions.
  • Mostly we talked about the user interface on the teacher's side. We got to know his exact requirements.
  • We got telefon numbers of our client and our mentor for further questions.
  • We asked about Moodle and it's API from our mentor Mart Mangus.
  • We asked for client's touchscreen laptop for two weeks' testings and we got it.

Things that what we plan to do:

  • Need to get a wireless router form Indrek Rokk for our own network to access installed Moodle.
  • Get to know Moodle's API.
  • Creating user interface.

Thursday - 28.03.13

Things that we did that day

  • Had lecture about Innovation
  • Studied Moodle documentation
  • Set up our Moodle test environment
  • Created test course and users
  • Checked if Moodle has needed options for our client's specific needs
  • Nikolaos is programming the UI

Problems that we faced:

  • Had little problems setting up our workstation
  • Some network problems

Things that we plan to do:

  • Work more on UI
  • Try if Moodle's options and API are enough to continue

Friday - 29.03.13

Things that we did that day

  • Read the documentation about API in Moodle.
  • We divided the parts of documentation for reading & we tried to familiarize with the Moodle's API.
  • We created and enrolled users in order to put some necessary and specific requirements that our client needs.
  • We logged in as admin, teacher, student to make the proper tests to see if our choices work properly.
  • We also created a user through our standalone application using Moodle's API and the service.
  • We had to test which protocol suits to our project's requirements because we wanted the right one for connecting with the GUI. The best for us is REST.

Problems that we faced:

  • Couldn't login to Moodle with the standalone application (we fixed it).
  • A bug since v2.1 in Moodle doesn't record the shortname of the service that the user creates and makes it impossible for the user to log in (we fixed it).
    • In table external_services: "shortname" should be the same as "name".

Things that we plan to do:

  • Work on the standalone application.
  • To get the standalone application to communicate with Moodle.
  • Find a way to get names of all students for this course and their files:
    • Get courses of teacher.
    • Get groups of course.
    • Get students of course.
    • Get student's assignments.
    • Get assignment files.
  • Find the functions to upload and download files.

Saturday - 30.03.13

Cultural Estonia's day

Monday - 01.04.13

Things that we did that day

  • Worked on standalone application (implemented the remove functions)
  • Worked on Moodle API's connection and functions.

Problems that we faced:

  • BIG PROBLEM - Didn't have any success in implementing functions.

Things that we plan to do:

  • Work on implementing functions to get standalone app communicating with Moodle.
  • Work on the standalone application.
  • Meet with client to specify his needs.

Tuesday - 02.04.13

Things that we did that day

  • stuff

Problems that we faced:

  • different

Things that we plan to do:

  • more stuff

Wednesday - 03.04.13

Things that we did that day

Problems that we faced:

Things that we plan to do:

Thursday - 04.04.13

Things that we did that day

Problems that we faced:

Things that we plan to do:

Friday - 05.04.13

We did the finalization of the application


Summary of what we did and solution what we developed:

  • We developed a new application for client, so he can use the touchpad to correct all of the students' works instead of correcting them with a pen on a paper. It is the fastest way with our application.

Personal Input

  • Indrek Mitt

My part was

  • Sander Saarm

First I studied Moodle and it's API, read the documentation and then we (with Panagiota and Indrek) created some test users: students and teachers. Then I started to do the code in Java using REST protocol and with the little help from Nikolaos I managed to use Moodle API functions to get different information from database for the application Nikolaos did. I had some help also from Panagiota and Indrek finding all the functions and their descriptions. Mart Mangus, our mentor, gave also some help with creating new functions to Moodle API.

  • Panagiota Chatzi

My part was

  • Nikolaos Karadimitriou

My part was

Final documentation



IP Feedback

Indrek Mitt's feedback

I liked this and that.

Sander Saarm's feedback

  • I liked the internationality in this course, because I found out so many friendly people from other countries (Lithuania, Greece and Finland). We had our good and bad times during these two weeks.
  • I'm glad we also had different cultural activities. I had never been to TV Tower since the restoring and also the Plane Harbour was new and very interesting to me.
  • I actually think we could have had a little more time to finish our project 100%, but we have made 90% in my oppinion, so it's pretty great.

Panagiota Chatzi's feedback

I liked this and that.

Nikolaos Karadimitriou's feedback

I liked this and that. Didn't like.