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Võimaldab ISO 9660 failinimedel alata punktiga.filenames to begin with a period.  
Võimaldab ISO 9660 failinimedel alata punktiga.filenames to begin with a period.  

'''-b''' eltorito_boot_image
See võimaldab väiketähtedel ilmuda ISO-9660 failinimes.
Specifies the path and filename of the boot image to be used when making an "El Torito" bootable CD. The pathname must be relative to the source path specified to mkisofs. This option is required to make an "El Torito" bootable CD. The boot image must be exactly the size of either a 1200, 1440, or a 2880 kB floppy, and mkisofs will use this size when creating the output iso9660 filesystem. It is assumed that the first 512 byte sector should be read from the boot image (it is essentially emulating a normal floppy drive). This will work, for example, if the boot image is a LILO based boot floppy.
If the boot image is not an image of a floppy, you need to add one of the options: -hard-disk-boot or -no-emul-boot. If the system should not boot off the emulated disk, use -no-boot.
If the -sort option has not been specified, the boot images are sorted with low priority (+2) to the beginning of the medium. If you don't like this, you need to specify a sort weight of 0 for the boot images.
Specifies that the boot image used to create "El Torito" bootable CDs is a hard disk image. The hard disk image must begin with a master boot record that contains a single partition.
'''-o''' filename
is the name of the file to which the iso9660 filesystem image should be written. This can be a disk file, a tape drive, or it can correspond directly to the device name of the optical disc writer. If not specified, stdout is used. Note that the output can also be a block special device for a regular disk drive, in which case the disk partition can be mounted and examined to ensure that the premastering was done correctly.

== Näited ==
== Näited ==

Revision as of 14:24, 31 December 2014


Raivo Tammus - AK21

Sissejuhatus ja ülevaade [1][6][7]

Mkisofs on efektiivne tööriist ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS hübriidse failisüsteemi genereerimiseks andmekandjale. Mkisofs on võimeline genereerima System Use Sharing Protocol (SUSP) andmeid, mis on määratletud Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol-iga. See kirjeldab faile ISO 9660failisüsteemis ja võimaldab kasutada pikemaid failinimesid, uid (user identifier)/gid (group identifier), sümboolseid linke, plokk- ja märkseadmeid.

Kui Joliet või HFS (Hierarchical File System) hübriidsed käsurea sätted on määratletud, siis mkisofs teeb neile täiendavad failisüsteemi metaandmed. Faili sisu sellisel juhul viitab samadele andmeplokkidele kirjutataval andmekandjal. Kui Jolieti ja HFS-i hübriidseid käsurea sätteid pole ette antud, siis mkisofs genereerib ainult ISO 9660 failisüsteemi. Lihtsamalt öeldes JOLIET teeb kirjutatava andmekandja Windowsi masinatele paremini kasutatavaks ja HFS Macintoshi masinatele.

Mkisofs-i väljundit ei saadeta otse kirjutavale seadmele ning selleks on olnud kolm põhjust:

•mkisofs ei tea midagi CD/DVD kirjutajate jooksutamisest

•Kasutajal võib olla vajadus enne kirjutamist kuvandit testida

•Aeglastel masinatel ei oleks see piisavalt töökindel [5]

Käsu formaat [2]

mkisofs [ options ] [ -o filename ] pathspec [pathspec ...]  mkisofs  [ options ] [ -o filename ] -find [find expression]
Võtmete kirjeldused[1] [4]

-abstract FILE

Määratleb abstraktse failinime.

-A application_id

Määratleb teksti stringi, mis kirjutatakse köite päisesse.


Võimaldab ISO 9660 failinimedel alata punktiga.filenames to begin with a period.

-allow-lowercase See võimaldab väiketähtedel ilmuda ISO-9660 failinimes.


Näide 1[7]

mkisofs -r -o cd_image private_collection/

The option '-r' sets the permissions of all files to be public readable on the CD and enables RockRidge-extensions. You probably want to use this option unless you really know what you're doing (hint: without '-r' the mount point gets the permissions of private_collection!). (-o cd_image kirjutab väljundi cd-le) ja (private_collection võtab selle kausta sisendiks).

Näide 2[8]

mkisofs -J -allow-lowercase -R -V "OpenCD8806" -iso-level 4 -o OpenCD.iso ~/OpenCD

(tavakasutajana) Make ISO image of a folder. Create ISO image of a folder in Linux. You can assign label to ISO image and mount correctly with -allow-lowercase option.

Näide 3[8]

mkisofs -o XYZ.iso XYZ/

(tavakasutajana) create iso image from a directory

Näide 4[9]

mkisofs --cap -o output source_dir /mnt/floppy

If you are not using Linux, then you can use the hfsutils to copy the icon file from the floppy. However, care has to be taken, as the icon file contains a control character. e.g.

Näide 5



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